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Gelli Plate

Gel Printing Workshop-In Person thumbnail

When I’m gel printing and I want to subtly blend colors, in an almost Impressionistic style, there’s a medium I mix with the paint. This allows acrylic paint to behave differently and create a wide variety of levels of color blending. This is something I haven’t taught before. Not online or in person until now. [...]

One Layer Can Dramatically Change a Gel Print! thumbnail

https://youtu.be/Q6XwkcPg5GQ What can you do with gel prints from your stash that don’t feel finished but you’re not sure what to add next? Use a mask to add a layer! In this video, you’ll see how the prints change dramatically in just a single layer. Whether your print has a lot going on (like my [...]

Gel Printing on Fabric thumbnail

https://youtu.be/8PkmOndTA1E Can you gel print on fabric? Absolutely! This is a great way to create patterned fabric for any of your projects. Plus, the bonus is you have it in any color you want! The video above you’ll see the entire process and below you’ll see some other fabric prints used to make smaller gnomes. [...]

How to Get Rid of Air Bubbles on a Gel plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/CQd8T1Byoos Why do air bubbles happen to most gel plates? Because air gets trapped between a layer, like a plastic protector, and the plate. It can leave little indentations in the plate. Does this “ruin” the plate? Nope. This happens to most gel plates and in this video, I’m sharing what works for me to [...]

Stencil-rific Layers Workshop thumbnail

https://youtu.be/S3yq5k0dEtQ What’s the secret to getting gel prints full of pattern with colors that pop? Magic? Random Luck? Nope, but it can feel like that when you don’t know the process. Anyone, including you, can make prints like these when you understand how stencils interact with paint and color on a gel plate. After all, [...]

Building Layers on a Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/AtUbO4dF0bA See how the layers built up bit by bit on these prints on a Gel Press plate. How it starts out with a very loose layer of yellow all the way to the words added at the end and you’ll also see how I handle it I when there’s a layer I don’t like! [...]

https://youtu.be/9aqGbRGGj0Q Packing materials make wonderful tools for gel printing! You might be wondering what came with this? Me too! I can’t remember what on earth it was but I couldn’t part with the stuff that was meant to be recycled or trashed. That happens often, since just about anything can become a pattern making tool [...]

How I Ruined My Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/F3bHsQqx8UM Yup, I ruined a plate. It’s taken me years to figure out how to do it, however I have now done it! But as I duplicated what happened for you in the video with a little experiment, the mystery deepened. What I expected to happen, didn’t. One plate was able to be saved. But [...]

Hot Glue Stamps on a Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/qiwjQHWKnXY See how to make a very fancy, exclusive tool for your gel printing! Okay, it’s not fancy, it’s fun. It’s not exclusive, you use everyday items. It’s a hot glue stamp made on cardboard. There is one thing that makes them much more useful for gel printing- I’m sharing that in the video with [...]

Gel Printing a Playful T-Shirt thumbnail

https://youtu.be/p29IJVaimVw Cheap t-shirts can become something fun to wear! Just one gel plate, the Puzzle Piece by Gel Press, was used to cover the entire shirt with pattern. You might think it took planning to get the all the puzzle piece prints to connect into each other. Nope. Because of how the puzzle piece is [...]