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Vintage Typewrite Alphabets

A Painted Deli Paper Birthday Card thumbnail

I needed a birthday card and I just wanted to play in my studio.  So, how can I do both?  By making an oversized card myself!   A great bonus of making the card, I was both happy when I made it and happy when I gave it. I used things like Deli Paper and [...]

Scripps National Spelling Bee Inspired My Art Journaling thumbnail

Whatever inspires me ends up my art journal, one way or another.  The Scripps National Spelling Bee, which was last week, is a family tradition here since we are an entire family of proud word nerds.  Perhaps that is why the word on the scrap of dictionary paper called to me. And then that word met [...]

  There is something I HATE to do, really HATE to do.  Every week I must do this and I spend most of the week dreading it.  What is it? Paying the bills.  I detest writing the checks, abhor stuffing and stamping the envelopes.  Until today.   Thanks to Seth Apter’s newest stencil, Inside Out, [...]

No pens were harmed in the making of this art journal page!  Although it was risky to use a regular pen on paint that hadn’t dried completely, my pen made it through the ordeal as I played in my art journal with some new text stencils!               In the [...]