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Speckles and Spots

Why I’m Not Using My Art Supplies thumbnail

https://youtu.be/Qvd9xqGgnkE Why am I not using some of my art supplies? A big box of stickers has been on the shelf, and unused. Was it was time to donate them? I loved these stickers for their words, for their shapes, for their patterns but I had to face the hard truth that I hadn’t used [...]

The Danger of Art Journaling thumbnail

There are dangers to beware of when art journaling. You’re not in danger, actually the opposite because art play is soul nourishment and a way to release stress. But it can rather hazardous to certain art supplies. One art supply isn’t gonna make it out of this play alive- see what happens in the video. [...]

Unexpected Art Journaling Challenges I Created for Myself thumbnail

This gel print becoming an art journal page had a few unexpected adventures. The little paint brushes, the book that may not have been the wisest choice to use for found poetry, and the impatience about paint drying. Okay, the impatience part that wasn’t unexpected lol! https://youtu.be/h4_E2rEeTcs Here’s the gel print that started today’s play.  [...]

Can You Use Acrylic Gouache on a Gel Plate? thumbnail

I’ve been asked if Liquitex’s Acrylic Gouache works with a gel plate.  Yes, you can but there is something to keep in mind. I love the effect of it, but you want to be aware of it and why it’s happening. https://youtu.be/UwUoG49Z0Rs Something I’ve noticed is that when people understand why something is happening on the gel [...]

Shake Off a Blah Mood with Your Art Supplies thumbnail

What can you do when you have the blahs and just feel, well, blah?  Make a mess.  Just get the art supplies out and do anything.  Even making something ugly can help shake off a blah mood. In this video, you’ll see how I made a hot mess of ugly and that it doesn’t matter [...]

Oh Hell No…Putting My Perfectionism in it’s Place thumbnail

This was one of those days where I could feel perfectionism and critical thoughts getting louder and louder in my head.  Days like this used to squash my creativity and chase the muse away. But they don’t any more, in part because I call upon my inner teenager to handle it. I wish I could [...]

New Stencils at StencilGirl! thumbnail

What do Sketchy Women with Class have to do with Painted Rainbows?  What do Figments of Imagination have to do with Kandinsky’s Garden? They are just some of my new stencil designs just released at StencilGirl! Here’s a look at some of what I’ve been creating with these new designs.  It’s my version of a journal flip through…why [...]