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ransom alphabet

Thinking is Overrated in an Art Journal thumbnail

Thinking isn’t always a good thing. It led to problem after problem on this art journal page. I had thought myself into a quandary but there was a way out of it. https://youtu.be/TGFa_zuQUOc This art journal page has been through a lot. I loved the colorful background that I had. And then I had an [...]

Stenciled Letters thumbnail

I had a bunch of requests for how I made the ransom style lettering using gel prints and stencils from my last blog post. You asked, and I listened! Here’s the video showing you all the techniques I used.  In there you’ll see how to stencil the speedy way if you’re doing a lot of [...]

The Reality Check About My One Word for the Year thumbnail

How much pressure could there be picking one word for the year? Turns out a lot.  Like so many people this time of year, I choose one word to be a beacon for me through the upcoming 12 months.  It was such a huge commitment, you’d think I was signing a contract in blood with [...]

Gel Printing with Action Figures thumbnail

Just about anything can be used for pattern making on a gel plate including toys! Just ask Malcolm Reynolds, the action figure from Firefly that made the pattern walking across the paint. Why him?  Because of his shoes.  Why did I need that?  You’ll see in the video! https://youtu.be/Egyk2hmcRmg Watch Making patterns on a gel plate with a [...]

Getting Lost in the Land of What If thumbnail

What if? This is the question that I asked in my art journal today. This page went through a lot, including some very ugly layers.  Since this was what if play, it didn’t matter if a layer was ugly.  It didn’t matter if it had no direction. It only mattered that I asked what if. [...]

Making Art on an Old Paint Palette thumbnail

What happens when I start with an old dried up paint palette, then start thinking about high school lit class, then make a series of OOPSies?  An art journal page! You can find the video of the play in my guest post at StencilGirl Talk! Be sure to check out the end of video where [...]

What are Scribble Sticks by Dina Wakley? thumbnail

What are Scribble Sticks? Inquiring minds want to know! Are they like a crayon or a colored pencil or a watercolor  or an oil pastel?  Will they work on dark colors?  Will they react to water? Will they bleed through paint?  This is what I set out to learn as I played around with Scribble Sticks [...]

Using Gel Prints for Ransom Alphabet Cards thumbnail

The Streets of San Francisco were a big part of the inspiration for this alphabet stencil and these cards.  Many moons ago, when watching reruns of the tv show starring Michael Douglas and Karl Malden, there was a kidnapping and the ransom note was individually cut up letters from the newspaper. The stereotypical ransom note [...]