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Figments of Imagination

How to Use Gel Printed Tissue Paper thumbnail

Ever get an idea and then halfway through then realize what you’ve gotten yourself into?  That was what happened with the journaling on this page.  It takes a lot of writing to fill a page lol! But it did create the look I   https://youtu.be/I9HqV3EwT-w Start with some gel printed some tissue paper. You can see [...]

What is Acrylic Gouache & How Do You Use It? thumbnail

If watercolors and acrylic paint had a love child, it would be acrylic gouache. It’s like taking the best qualities of both and then putting them in the best bottle ever for mixed media play. I’m putting this new paint from Liquitex through its paces as I make this art journal page. I found out [...]

How to Gel Print on Tissue Paper thumbnail

  Can you use tissue paper to make gel prints? Absolutely! It’s paper and paper works on a gel plate! There is one important thing that if you know it, even when you have a juicy wet gel plate it is easy to print away on tissue. In the video, you’ll see when it ripped for me, [...]

Transforming an Ugly Background thumbnail

Ever have trouble covering up a background? That didn’t happen here. Starting with an ugly background makes it easy to cover up. What did I use to cover it up? Stencil masks. They transformed the background that was yuck into colorful creatures. Feel free to chuckle about what my daughter pointed out to me in [...]

Washi tape and stencils to create a playful frame video loaded with mixed media techniques by Carolyn Dube

What happens when I actually use some of my stash of washi tape? Wild things thanks to a little stencil fun inspired by Mary Beth Shaw. Stencils are tools that can be used more than one way with washi tape and you can see how in the video plus how using tissue paper makes stenciling words [...]

Making a plain envelope colorful with a gel plate, Paper Artsy paints, and StencilGirl stencils video by Carolyn Dube

What do I do with plain white envelopes before I mail them? I add the rainbow…and stencils! This one in particular went out to Erika, who won the 10 stencil giveaway recently. How did I do it? It’s all in the video, including the OOPSies and the part where I unexpectedly felt a ton of resistance! https://youtu.be/y6cGEFqucK0 [...]

Playful Creatures Emerge From the Play thumbnail

These colorful creatures emerged from my rainbow play. It might look like I thought a lot about the pattern and the color, but I didn’t. I had a bit of help, thanks to using both the stencil and mask. How did that make it easy? Check out the video! ***If you’d like to win this stencil (and [...]

New Stencils at StencilGirl! thumbnail

What do Sketchy Women with Class have to do with Painted Rainbows? What do Figments of Imagination have to do with Kandinsky’s Garden? They are just some of my new stencil designs just released at StencilGirl! Here’s a look at some of what I’ve been creating with these new designs. It’s my version of a journal flip through…why [...]