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Circular Patterns

Playing with Acrylic Gouache and Some Nonsense thumbnail

What’s the play for today? A rainbow of Liquitex’s Acrylic Gouache, some cardboard, and taking a risk. I took a risk, used something that set off my inner supply hoarder and that almost ended the fun. But there was a way to quiet down that noisy supply hoarder and I’m sharing it with you in [...]

What is Art?  A Simple Question with More than One Answer. thumbnail

What is art?  A simple question that has many many answers.  It can be a wide variety of things, but for me, it is a journey of  expression, connection and an adventure. It’s an exhilarating adventure to see what will happen when I add patterns or colors.  A place to ask what if and get lost [...]

The Black Paint OOPS in my Art Journal thumbnail

The day had been filled with grown up thinking and decision making and I had become a bit of a stress monster so my family banished me to the art studio to play.  I wasn’t up to starting with a blank page so I flipped through my journals and found a stenciled page to begin the process of shaking [...]

Video tutorial using supplies from the hardware store with a Gelli Plate® in an art journal for the Let’s Play link party

The punchinella that I found at the hardware store for this week’s Let’s Play video and link party isn’t officially punchinella but it sure works like it.  Punchinella is the leftover part when sequins are manufactured.  Usually mylar and shiny.  But I actually prefer this drywall tape to official punchinella. Why do I like it better? [...]