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What is Art? A Simple Question with More than One Answer.

What is Art? A Simple Question with more than one answer.

What is art? A simple question that has many many answers. It can be a wide variety of things, but for me, it is a journey of expression, connection and an adventure.

It’s an exhilarating adventure to see what will happen when I add patterns or colors. A place to ask what if and get lost in the building up of layers.

What is Art? A Simple Question with more than one answer.

Art is a way to express myself, my feelings, my moods, and my thoughts. Seeing what pops up in my play is like having a conversation with my subconscious.

What is Art? A Simple Question with more than one answer.

Art is a way to connect with myself and others. On those difficult, stress filled days, art lets me reconnect with myself. Through art in my life, I have gotten to know so many kind and generous and caring people that I otherwise never would have met.

What is Art? A Simple Question with more than one answer.

Art is magical because it is personal and different for every person. How it impacts the heart is unique to each one of us. What is art to you?

What is Art? A Simple Question with more than one answer.

Stencils used in this piece are Finding Your Tribe and Circular Patterns for Play. Other supplies used: A plethora of paints and anything else in arm’s reach.

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  • Glenda Lovchik ,

    Art is a form of therapy, probably more costly since I’m a hoarder, but definitely just as effective for me.

    • Art is such a great way to talk to yourself and listen to what is going on inside Glenda!

  • Kat ,

    I enjoy and appreciate seeing the Finding your Tribe stencil. We need to make positive images of women together more visible in the wotld.

  • Lisa Hunt ,

    I love the “Finding Your Tribe” stencil. It made me feel happy. I am an only child and somehow it made me feel like a little kid again. But this time, I had a bunch of sisters and we were all playing “Red Rover, Red Rover”! Thanks for the fantasy warm fuzzy!!!

  • crafty barb ,

    Right got there. Befor I started making cards and scrapbookin. I used tto quilt and patchwork over papers. Choosing fabricks that went together is a form of art that I e joyed an still do sometimes.

  • crafty barb ,

    Apologies for the typing errors below. They were not spelling ones lol.

  • Maura ,

    Art is a way for me to play, to communicate what is inside me, and to share with others Those who look at what I have created may have different opinions on what it “means” or how it makes them feel, but that’s okay. That is part of the creation process, the viewing of and reacting to a piece of art. In fact, it could be said that the art we have created isn’t complete until it reaches out and grabs someone’s attention!