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Alternating Circles

OOPS, The Epic Journey of Doubt and Play thumbnail

Going from the blank canvas to a finished one can feel like the the 12 trials of Hercules, an epic journey.  I had a gesso’d canvas, actually a wood panel, fully prepared to tackle the challenges that were waiting as I began playing. The first challenge happened when I started layering some colors and pattern and it looked hideous [...]

Gel Printing on the Wall thumbnail

Time for a little home renovation, mixed media style.  I bought 5 gallons of house paint in the colors of the rainbow, grabbed a Gel Press monoprinting plate and started printing right on the walls.  Yes, I did it directly on the wall.  Slapping it right against the wall makes the most wonderful thwap sound! [...]

Video comparing distress crayons and gelatos in an art journal with Carolyn Dube

After sharing my video experimenting with Distress Crayons, I had a lot of people asking me how they compared to Gelatos. So, I thought I’d try them out in a video side by side and see how similar or different they are. Disclaimer:  I am NOT a formally trained scientist adhering to strict rules of [...]

Video showing 3 ways to use a bold patterned stencil to get colorful looks easily!

So excited to share with you 3 new stencils I created for StencilGirl!  These are big bold patterns with just a hint of wonky. The bold shapes mean wide open spaces allowing for lots of opportunities to make colors play off of each other! In the video, I’m sharing 3 different ways you can use these [...]