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Waves of Inspiration

Parrot fish are my favorite fish to find while snorkeling on vacation, even my virtual vacation.Ā  I wish I could capture the colors on film in a way that does them justice!Ā  They are my inspiration for my colorful wave painting today for Paint Party Friday!


Any scraps around were glued down- you might even notice the gum wrapper!Ā  Then a sloppy layer of gesso.




Some smears of paint.




More paint scrapped on and a round lid dipped in white paint.





Stenciled letters and numbers.Ā  Can you tell it was night time when I finished this stage?Ā  The lighting really stunk.







I have waves on my mind.Ā  Not surprising since my virtual vacation keeps taking me to the beach!



Adding white on top of the colors.






More color on top of color. Some of it acrylic paint some of it Portfolio crayons smeared around. Still don’t know if it is finished yet. I’ll let it hang around a bit and see if tells me it needs more.



I’m getting really relaxed here on vacation- thanks to the sun, sand, and friends who have joined me!Ā  There’s still room for more if you’d like to join in with us!Ā  You can find all the details here.

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  • So cool!!

  • What a beautiful fish! It’s always so nice to see the processes of the lovely paintings you create. Many of the different stages would make perfect pieces of art on their own!

  • GREAT … wow!


  • Lovely, colourful painting! Valerie

  • Kat ,

    Carolyn I’m just loving these new pieces of yours, so very positive! They are really great, make me happy ones, full of color and fun, keep on with the virtual vacation, enjoy!

  • Ginny ,

    Love your idea of a virtual vacation. The ocean is my favorite place to be so I loved all of your delightful colorful waves. I loved watching the painting come to be.

  • mandy at eight is enough ,

    Lol…yeah..its freezing here….like 2 degrees…brrrr…love your colourful pictures too…xxx

  • Carol ,

    Fun and colorful painting ~ flows ~ Excellent photo of fish ~ lovely ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  • Marji ,

    I could just get lost in those waves. Beautiful colors and such wonderful inspiration. Happy PPF

  • Great process shots. This is so happy I want to grab my hot pink tank and jump in. xox

  • FranT ,

    all I can say is WOW

  • How fun is this?! All that movement makes me seasick! šŸ™‚ Love seeing how you built up the layers. And I’ll only see parrot fish in an aquarium – I just can’t snorkle because clearly you can’t breathe with your face under water!

  • I love your colors! They make me smile today, perfect for a happy PPF!

  • Such wonderful colours and fabulous layers. Happy PPF Michelle x #66

  • Great colors and love the layers. I hope your vacation is going wonderfully. I could use one…mind if I crash yours? šŸ˜‰ Happy PPF!

    • Carolyn ,

      Certainly! There is plenty of sun and sand for everyone!

  • oh wow!! these are amazing!!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!

  • Leovi ,

    Excellent compositions, my favorite is the first, very strong in color.

  • that is exactly what the bay looked like the other day with all the wind and freezing cold weather… was like awash with crystals…. without knowing it your pic is a vacation on Moreton bay here in beautiful Wynnum!!!!

  • Its June in Oregon and we have the heater going. šŸ™ I NEED a real vacation away from this crummy weather…but all this color here makes me feel like I am on a virtual vacation. Especially that photo of those Parrot fish.. they are pretty cool fish. HPPF.

  • Happy ppf!! I needed this bit of beauty to stave off the cold blustery unusual June we are having!!

    Hugs Giggles

  • Sabina ,

    Love the colors you chose–I can really see the photo you were inspired by in the final result even though it’s nowhere near a literal translation.

  • gloria ,

    Hi Carol. I’m having a hard time leaving a comment on your blog. I’ll try again. Love your pieces and the colors. Very nicely done. Happy PPF!

  • I like it, I like it….very wavy and colorful and fun. I see the fish in there too. I have a good imagination. I like all the layers and watching the process. Happy vacationing and PPF too!!!

  • Love this one! I love how all the layers adds such depth!

    I got my stencils today! Cannot wait to play!

    • Carolyn ,

      Yeah! So glad they made it to you!!

  • What pretty colors and definitely calming! Enjoy your vacation!!

  • EVA ,

    Lovely virtual vacation!

  • Love your wave painting! Seeing your process is always fantastic!
    And thanks for the fun linky party, too! šŸ™‚
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  • Wow..stunning..so very beautiful, vibrant and magical..the layers and process is fabulous and fascinating..gorgeous work!!

  • I’m floating away!! šŸ˜‰

  • Carolyn, i love each of these steps – especially the one where you stencilled the letters! Excellent work! xoxo

  • JKW ,

    I couldn’t tell you built it up. The background is imaginative and adds interest to the waves. What a great idea. Blessings, Janet PPF