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The Mysterious Bottles

As I finished the messy background my muse decided to stay and play a while.  Stamping Dina Wakely’s wonderfully mysterious person was my first step followed by phrases cut from a random book page.

The words led me to my washi tape splurge.  That bottle tape was a small fortune but I knew I had to play with it the minute I saw it on the self in Seattle.  So glad I bought it!

The Mysterious Bottles Art Journal Page with Carolyn Dube

I had to include this photo- those droplets just make me happy!

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  • Carolyn, LOVE your page and that video was fantastic. It’s always interesting to see how these journal pages are done. Happy CED! xoxo

  • Nicole Foshee ,

    Beautiful work! Those droplets make me happy, too! I love drippy, water colored backgrounds. Thanks for sharing!

  • Gwen ,

    This is so different and intriguing…brilliant!

  • Carol Mc ,

    Love this! Where did you get that bottle tape?

  • Robin ,

    those pages are awesome..I finally got my reader to work and you popped up…Im glad you did…Thanks for sharing..!

  • Great textures and fun page – glad the muse didn’t leave. You said you found washi tape in Seattle? Where? I’ve been looking to no avail and don’t want to pay the outrageous shipping to order online…. I’ve been making my own, but would love a little of the “real” stuff too.

    • Carolyn ,

      I was staying in the Pioneer Square area and there was this huge Japanese store – a grocery store, a food court, a paper goods store all in one. I’ve never seen anything like it! I can’t remember the name to save my life but it was only a few blocks away and I could see a big stadium near it. They had several types of washi tape there. Hope that helps!

  • Oh MY but that bottle tape is ridiculously awesome!! I love it!! Totally cool page too–the mysterious person is amazing! Love how the page came together!!

  • jane w. ,

    so cool and love the bottle tape too!

  • How creative. I love your posts!

  • Love this page.

  • Tracy ,

    LOVE the video!! – warmly Tracy #81

  • Nigel ,

    Fantastic, love the colours and the mysterious person.

    I think there’s a story in those words somewhere 🙂


  • Your page looks fabulous! Love the bottles, and the mysterious text. And what a great video!

  • Maria ,

    WOW! I would have never thought the bottles were tape until I read what you wrote and the video–they looked like you stamped them! I’d say WORTH the money! Love that you put them on tags. Love that mysterious woman–think I’m going to have to get one!

  • Witha ,

    Awesome job! You are so creative.
    I’m your new follower on Linky. Hope you can follow me back 😀

    Witha @ http ://withapinkie.blogspot.com

  • Love the page and the tute! Makes me want to go play in my journal right now. Hope you have a great weekend!

  • Linda ,

    I love your page!! I love the idea of cutting phrases out of text, I will definitely try that. Those bottles are fun also, and I love the background. Thanks for sharing!! Visiting from Art Journal Everyday 🙂

  • So nice to see the work in progress in the video!
    Wonderful, thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • Nancy ,

    Unique. A bit surreal. I like it.