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Snip, Sip and Sew Recap

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

One way I let myself play is by being a beginner.  When it comes to sewing, I feel like a total newbie.  So when I heard about the Snip, Sip and Sew retreat hosted by Glenda Miles, I signed up!

If you’re a frequent blog reader you know I make quite a few Oopsies…and me with a sewing machine created plenty of opportunities for oopsies!  I actually managed to sew my fabric to the foot on the machine.  It wasn’t stuck.  It was actually stitched on to the free motion foot.  I have no idea how I did it, but it took me quite a while to cut it off of there!

You can see my sewing talents in a short video on Instagram here. You’ll see I like to sew fast and loose!

But that wasn’t the only Oops.  Check out the photo below.

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

I was actually being careful when I was stamping on the fabric as I spelled the word oops…and misspelled it!  OOPS big time! No problem, I just did it again right next to it!  What did we do with all this painted and stenciled fabric that we made?  It became a purse!

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

The purse has pockets, both inside and out.  And I didn’t have to use a pattern or carefully measure a thing!  It felt so good to accomplish this project even feeling like a newbie…I credit the 3 talented instructors for that!

Thank you Linda Willis, Kecia Deveney,  and Kari McKnight Holbrook for all the techniques, tips, and generous supplies!  I was so amazed by all the purses created by all the amazing women this weekend.  Every one was so unique!

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

There was far more than art to this weekend. There was heart. Glenda Miles orchestrated the weekend and she has a gift for creating safe spaces for creating and connecting.  I got to meet the most amazing women and the creative energy in the room was soul nourishing!

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

St. Mary’s Retreat is an amazing location.  So peaceful. So tranquil. Worked into our schedule was time to explore the grounds and take walks along the trails around the center. The rooms were extremely clean and the building was very well maintained and all our needs were taken care of!  Thank you Glenda!

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

This event included all our meals.  Homemade meals.  Scrumptious morsels for the taste buds like fresh homemade bread.  If you wanted to eat outside, you could.  Oh, was it ever glorious out there too!  The way it was planned allowed for freedom to be yourself. If you wanted to be around people you could.  If you wanted some time to yourself, you could.  Love that this was designed for both introverts and extraverts!

Snip, Sip and Sew Retreat hosted by Glenda Miles!

Want to create and connect with others?  Glenda puts together fabulous creative events and I highly encourage you to check them out! Glenda’s next event is Jacqueline Sullivan teaching at St. Mary’s Retreat- you can find all the details here!

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  • Corrine ,

    What exuberant fun!!!

  • Suz ,

    Sounds like a blast! Love your bag, and laughed with you about your sewing oops.

  • Carolyn Morgan ,

    I love your bag! So fun, so scrappy! I have lots of Gelli plated fabric laying around… Gonna make a Glad It’s Summer bag!

  • Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith ,

    Such a gorgeous bag and I’m so inspired to make something similar! The scrappie nature of it is perfect for my wonky lines – I’m a total newb when it comes to sewing as well!

  • Absolutely the coolest purse ever clone it baby I would buy it. $$$$&$$$$.

  • Jeanine Kelly ,

    Dear Carolyn, I love your playful spirit and color choices! You have inspired me so much to let go of perfection in my art and just play! When I let go and just do it, it usually comes out better than if I tried to plan! Your purse is adorable! I just started doing fabric paint, too! I hope to take a class with you someday, thank goodness for YouTube! Have a nice day.
    Love from Cape Cod, Jeanine