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Snapshot Of My Soul

My art is like a photo of my soul at that moment.ย  I have been blessed to spend time with dear friends so my soul is just happy!ย  My mind is stressed from catching up but my soul is happy.


This page is all the leftovers.ย  I spray inked a bunch of die cuts on this, cleaned the orange paint off a brush, and cleaned off a word stamp on the page.ย  This was all just a catch all from another project I was working on- which you’ll be able to see on Oct. 1st when Fall Fearless and Fly begins!





I had my Twinkling H2O’s out and added a touch of pink and blue here and there.ย  The page began to take on a life of its own- the colors just made me smile.






A Donna Downey rubber stamp filled the bottom of the page.







A touch of unfinished homemade washi tape.







I used Julie Balzer’s butterfly stencil to give me an outline to make a sketchy butterfly.ย  I can scribble with reckless abandon within the stencil and have it still look like a butterfly…






I had a field of flowers have a sun!ย  I used and butterflies- so I had to Julie Balzer’s Mayan calendar stencil to create an arty sun.

When I made this art journal page the stress just faded away and all I felt was the joy in my soul.ย  Now, if I can just get the laundry to do itself because my soul is much much happier when I am checking out the great work by all my friends atย  Paint Party Friday,ย  Art Journal Every Day, Show and Tell Saturday, Mandarin Orange Monday and Creative Every Day instead of doing housework…

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  • Janet ,

    Definitely Happy! That makes me smile too!

  • Maria McGuire ,

    My soul is over flowing from looking at this! So many things to look at and get inspired by! I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. Thank you for helping me feed my soul, but now we both have lots of laundry to catch up on because we have another adventure in front of us!!!! Can’t wait!!

  • oh how I LOVE wathing your pages grow into colorful wonders!. Brilliant colors and contrast make everything so happy. Somehow all the detail compliments each other so well. Happy Happy Pages!

  • This is a stunning page – I just love it! Even the close up image at the top looks like a standalone piece of art… and you’re happy rainbow of colours is definitely brightening up my rainy-locked-in-the-office day!
    D x

  • Marja ,

    Lovely and very beautiful Snapshot of your Soul Carolyn. I admire your work. Its really gorgeous.
    Lovely greet and big hug.
    Have a nice weekend

  • Carol ,

    Wow! What a beautiful soul ~ lovely creation ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  • Orange yumminess and loose sketched butterflies, a garden of delight! xox

  • Carin ,

    Oh my word! This is just too cool for words! I love that this page kind of started of as “nothing”, just a place to dump left over stuff. I reckon a lot of the best pages start out that way because you are less worried about getting it right or just so. Totally cool page Carolyn!

  • What a beautiful page! All the bright colors and butterflies makes me smile too. Happy Friday!

  • Kat ,

    This is a very positive and happy piece full of wonderful colors, love it!

  • denthe ,

    Oh, I can just imagine how you were feeling when you created this page. So sunny and colourful and happy. Such a shame that housework always spoils the fun, right ? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • gloria ,

    Great pages, love the colors. Well HW is not a fun word. tee hee:) Thanks for sharing your great work. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Dawn Jones ,

    The colors are gorgeous! Love your page, especially the scribbly butterflies!

  • Love how you used the butterfly stencil. The whole page is joyous. Can’t wait to see what you do for FF&F!

  • Rinda ,

    Great use of that stencil.

  • Loving your fab backgrounds. Happy PPF, Annette x

  • Marji ,

    Beautiful, Carolyn! The colors do sing out and mend the soul don’t they! Love seeing your process through this one. Lovely layering. Happy PPF

  • Carolyn!!! you just gave me the dose of colour and inspiration I needed today….what a gorgeous collection to share with us!!! and I think your soul is amazing….full of life and full of gratitude!!!!!

  • Rhonda ,

    Love all the bright colors and juicy layers. I can see why you would be happy after creating this lovely page in your journal! Thanks for sharing your process and have a fab weekend. โ˜บ

  • Carolyn,
    I love seeing your process!
    And the resulting painting is just stunning! Awesome!

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  • Linda K ,

    spectacular page!!! The whole theme and colors just sing “happy”!!

  • Jan B ,

    Fabulous, gorgeous page! Love the color and all the stamping!

  • This is a really happy painting. If you find out how to get laundry – and other H*******K to do itself, please drop me a line…. Valerie

  • alice ,

    oh! you changed up your page some – i love it! i need to change your blog button in my daily read section ๐Ÿ™‚ i love your journal page – you would be so much fun to ‘do art’ with ๐Ÿ™‚ and if you get that whole laundry thing figured out – i’d sure like to know about that, too!

  • I love, love, love this page! So colorful and happy. Best part is that it started from all your “leftovers.” If you find a way to get that laundry done while making art, let me know!

  • This may just be your prettiest, happiest page yet.

  • Jan LaFollette ,

    Yummy wonderful colors…a very happy, feel good page!

  • So bright and beautiful, full of happiness!!!

  • Faye ,

    Gorgeous fall colors, Carolyn.

  • This is definitely gorgeous. I especially like how you treated the butterfly stencil.

  • housework… what’s that… you should be hanging out with friends and painting… that is much more fun…xx

  • Jenn H ,

    How fun to start off with a page of leftovers and turn it into a beautiful work of art that just exudes JOY!!! So colorful and happy!

  • Now that’s creativity! And it is so fulfilling when you get your finished product. I love multimedia when you can take a little of this and a little of that and create magic! Nice work Carolyn ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Stunningly beautiful, gorgeous colors. I like that Donna Downey stamp!

  • Carol Samsel ,

    Absolutely love all of the colors here!!! You did GOOD!!!!

  • Tracy ,

    Your soul is so colourful! Lovely page.

  • Anne ,

    Oooh, I love these – definitely happy, and it is infectious! Beautiful!

  • Sue ,

    Just beautiful work! Your first photograph is lovely just on its own, but I like all of the very colourful and happy work you show here, Carolyn.

  • Very happy art indeed. Vibrant color that makes my heart dance!! I hear ya about the laundry…..when ya figure it out…pass the word along to my machine too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  • AJ ,

    I love your soul, so bright and colorful, just what I needed today
    Big love
    AJ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Beautiful! I love the colors. Truly makes one happy to look at it. I found your site through Artists in Blogland ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great day!

  • I love the colorfulness of your page. The sun in the corner is glorious! Thank you so much for visiting me!

  • I love that started out as a leftovers page! It is so happy and bright–can see why it lifted your soul just to play freely with this. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Clare ,

    gorgeous colours and layers. x

  • Melisa ,

    LOL, my soul feels the same way! This makes me want to work in my art journal again. It’s been to long.

  • This shows you are happy!! lovely colors. Let me know if you figure out how to get the laundry to do itself..:)) HPPF

  • Molly ,

    I love your happy soul painting! It makes my soul happy, too! I like how you use the open stencil with the black free form scribbles against the bright background. I’m going to look for one like that and give it a try!

    Can’t wait for fall fearless and fly!

  • MissyK ,

    Gosh that is totally beautifully. I LOVE the colours and everything but especially the scribbly butterfly. Gorgeous!


  • MissyK ,

    It’s beautiful…. I especially love the scribbly butterfly.

  • MissyK ,

    Ooops sorry for multiple comments….. I was having a problem leaving a comment and now I’ve left three!


  • Mari ,

    If your soul is your art, your soul is beautiful and sweet and lively …. Saludos

  • Carolyn, i am always amazed at how your pieces come together with what seems like such ease. The pics you share are always awesome and you always inspire me to want to get away from the computer and go paint. ๐Ÿ™‚ Beautiful, beautiful piece… xox

  • Very colorful and cheerful!! Great job!

  • jane w. ,


  • What a wonderful way to express your soul, love that you showed us the progressive additions too.

  • The transformation your page goes through is as beautiful as the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly…stunning!

  • Lori ,

    Lovely and most exuberant work! I love the bold splashes of colour and the lively line work of the flowers. You might like to share your work on Mandarin Orange Monday ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wow! I love the depth and the feeling of joy you achieved in this page. Blessings!

  • Such a happy page indeed. Iยดd dance with it. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Love the stencil work.

  • Colorful work Carolyn! All those yummy goodness colors and art journaling! Therapeutic indeed!

  • Such beautiful artwork.

    Hopping by from Manadarin Orange Monday.

    Here’s my take for MoM, hope you can drop by and comment on my
    Hint of Orange post. Have a great week ahead!

  • Lori ,

    Thank you Carolyn for sharing your wonderful display of colour on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  • I just LOVE it! With all the beautyful colors! Feels so peaceful!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog:
    art by Catharina Engberg


  • Oooh, I’m loving this page! What beautiful depth of color and I so totally love your use of the stencil and flowers!