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Sketching on the Gelli Plate

Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn DubeOne Pull Wonders Workshop with Carolyn DubeOne Pull Wonders has been amazing for me. Why? Seeing what students are creating is making my soul smile. I can’t possibly show you all the prints, but here is just some of their art from the sketching on the Gelli Plate lesson!


These turtles, by Christine Long, used the sketching technique to create turtles that give the feeling of batik!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Mary Ann Burritt Sumner used a vacation photo to create her sketch. What a way to create your own travel momento!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Once I saw Kerry Kung Luis’s prints I couldn’t get architecture out of my mind!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Helen Rae Tarantino used the technique to create a loose and free stack of suitcases!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Liz Shaw, in just one pull, brought this woman to life on the Gelli Plate!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Marie Cezeaux Blessing painted a garden of happy blooming sunflowers!


Student artwork from One Pull Wonders Gelli Printing Workshop with Carolyn Dube

Elise Cole magnificently used the texture of the technique to create depth and detail in this feline!

This technique and many many others are live and waiting for you in One Pull Wonders. You can jump in anytime because it’s all downloadable with lifetime access. Each video breaks down the technique into bite size bits so you can get right to the play even on busy days!

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  • Corrine ,

    Some really nice work by your students. Each person’s creative spirit shines through. xox

  • I can feel your “amazing”, Carolyn. Wow.. these are beautiful!

  • Looks like a ton of fun – those one-pull wonders are delicious!

  • You have every right to be extremely proud of your students, Carolyn! This work is absolutely amazing! Who knew, when the Gelli plate first arrived on the scene, where we would be able to go with this technique!

  • Janene ,

    I’m so pleased to see other student’s work, what a treat. I don’t do facebook so this is my first glimpse at their work. Wonderful. Janene

  • Liz ,

    Wow! I am so behind in my blog reading. What an honor to be featured here. Thank you, Carolyn!