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Selective Printing

Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

Welcome to day 2 of A Colorful Gelli Print Party!  My family has come to accept the fact that I have abandoned them for the Gelli Plate this week.  Truthfully, the teenagers are not too upset to be left alone and I wasn’t really going to do much housework this week anyway…


When you push your paper onto the Gelli Plate you don’t have to push the entire paper down.  You can be very selective!  On some prints I will only press half the paper down or just a bit of the edge depending on where I want the color to go.

I keep my in progress prints near by.  I will pull as much paint off the Gelli Plate as possible with ghost print after ghost print.   I often have no idea how they will be used but I keep a stack in arms reach!  In this video you will see me use several of these prints as I use Donna Downey’s potholes stencil and Michelle Ward’s Marrakesh stencil .

The pink was a ghost print from another day.  I only pressed part of the paper into the pink.  Yellow was added to the entire page.

On the right, orange was added to the entire page.



Same color order as the paper above but this time I only pressed part of the paper into the orange.





Save your uglies!  The yellow and black layers really did not look good to me so I added the orange on top and suddenly, I like it!  You never know what will happen with the Gelli plate…This print is not finished but I am beginning to like it!








This was  a plain piece of card stock just sitting on my counter.  It was within my arms reach so I nabbed it for using up paint.  Now it is calling to me to become part of an art journal!




A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube


Here’s the journal page!





So now it is your turn to share any of your Gelli creations from prints to finished projects!

  • Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr page, YouTube videos – it is all welcome!  New posts or recent posts are welcome!
  • Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
  • Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party.  You know how wonderful kind comments encourage us creative types!
  • Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.  If you notice your link deleted it is because it didn’t have a thing to do with the Gelli plate and that is what we’re celebrating here!


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  • This makes so much sense but I’m having a head-thunking “I could’ve had a V8!” moment over here. Have only done full pages/prints so far… now you’re sparking some super ideas for me. Thanks, C! Love your videos, too.

  • You are a Gelli queen.. wow.. Have you left your studio to eat or drink and tell your family you are alive??? Did my post this morning.

    • It is addictive…must confess chose to gelli plate instead of shower yesterday…

  • PeggySu ,

    Thanks so much for the great inspirations! Could you tell us what kinds/brands of paints you use? I find that even when I work quickly the paint often dries on my Gelli plate before I can even pull one print 🙁 You don’t seem to be having that problem.

    • I do use a bit more paint than some Gelli artists- I have a hard time just doing a little of anything! I started out using any paint I had from cheap craft paint to heavy bodied Golden paint but I had to work super quickly to get the ghost prints I love. Another artist recommended Amsterdam standard series acrylic paints to me- and I am now hooked on those for the Gelli Plate (and really any mixed media). I get them from Dick Blick- I have never seen them in a store &they are very affordable.

  • Barbara Albrecht ,

    Coming out of lurkdom to say…THANK YOU for doing this week long Gelli Jubilee! I’ve been a subscriber for a while now and just don’t take the time to comment…do this for a lot of blogs I subscribe to. Anyway…totally enjoying your perspective on Gelli printing.

    Watching today’s episode, I thought…well duh! I have been doing full sheets with each print…gonna have to rethink and try this partial printing. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Maria McGuire ,

    Please, PLEASE Carolyn call my house and tell everyone to go back to work and school! I need to go spend time with my Gelli Plate–you are making me crazy (a good crazy) with your video fun!!!!!!

    The orange in this page is awesome. The page has texture, color, dimension and a story = perfect journal page!

  • This is just SO much fun – I don’t have a plate yet and didn’t get one for Christmas so will have to wait til it’s time to add to my arting supplies. I love seeing what you’re doing!

  • Love these prints and colors! I ordered a gelli plate finally and it should be here any day. I can’t wait to play. Thanks for the inspiration! Happy New Year

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    So pretty, I must get mine out again!

  • Okay…your last two posts are inspiring me to finally get my unused plates out and play. I still don’t quite understand how to use them, but I am sure I can figure it out. Your backgrounds are just gorgeous! Thank you for the tut!

  • Looks like you are having a lot of Gelli fun! Dis you sing the song about’ jelly on the plate, jelly on the plate, wibble, wobble, wibble wobble, jelly on the plate’ – it’s going round about in my head just now! Valerie

  • jane w. ,

    LOVED loved loved watching ur video! I just borrowed my friends’ gelli to play with! Better not tell her bout this video till I get out to buy my own! lol tfs

  • So much fun! I really like your colors you used in this segment.

  • Awesome! I love these stencils you’re using and I definitely need a gelli plate. 🙂

  • Love the color combination you have chosen here, Carolyn! You are in the process of convincing me I need a Gelli plate!!

  • Clare ,

    great inspiration. i have just tried this technique with my new acquired gelli plate. now i need to decide what to do with my prints. i can then post a piccie. thanks. x