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Loving the Leftovers!

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

Let’s kick off 2013 with lots of inspiration and color!   This is day one of a week long celebration of the Gelli Plate Santa delivered.  A 12×14 jumbo Gelli Plate under my tree and I am like a 5 year old!

New to the Gelli Plate? Click here to watch an introductory video that covers the basics.   I love my die cutting machine mostly because of the leftovers!  I layered and layered those leftovers with my Gelli Plate to create lines and shapes.  I have used this same technique with hand cut shapes too. The short video will show you how I made all the prints below.


The die cut leftovers.





The first print after adding paint to the Gelli Plate creates a very strong image.  I used this paper for those bright prints.








Layers of prints.







The ghost prints (after most of the paint has been removed or dried) frequently delight me!







Love all the random bits of color and line!  Who knows what this will become!






A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube

My journal page using one of the prints.







So now it is your turn to share any of your Gelli creations from prints to finished projects!

  • Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr page, YouTube videos – it is all welcome!  New posts or recent posts are welcome!
  • Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
  • Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party.  You know how wonderful kind comments encourage us creative types!
  • Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.  If you notice your link deleted it is because it didn’t have a thing to do with the Gelli plate and that is what we’re celebrating here!

{ 9 comments… add one }

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  • Maria McGuire ,

    Do you think Jim would mind if I ran up and played with my Gelli plate instead of ringing in the New Year with him–so inspired right now 🙂

  • elle ,

    Wow, nice size! Great, now I save ‘everything’! lol

  • Now that was a fun ride, Carolyn. You’ve been playing a lot, I can tell.
    I’ll be joining today.. can’t wait.

  • I love your leftovers too!! Gorgeous, gorgeous colors!! Thanks for the video too–inspirational as always! Happy New Year!!

  • Gosh, got to get my boogie one and put together a post – aren’t leftover’s the best!!! I find more inspiration there than anywhere else. Love your random shapes and those ghosty prints! xox

    • Carolyn ,

      I agree- the scraps are often better than the pieces they started out as!

  • Lovely work, have fun with your gelli plate. Can’t join in this time, no gelli-plate and no possibility to buy just now, perhaps another time! Valerie

  • Thanks for starting this. I just needed a little push to start playing with my Gelli.

  • I love seeing hints of the negative space you used with your leftovers, and man oh MAN love how those layers build up into beautiful prints!