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Rubber Stamping Joy with the Gelli

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

This week has flown by!  Can’t believe this is the last day of the party! Thank you to every party goer for helping me kick off 2013!  It is going to be an amazing year full of color and creativity!   In all the excitement I had neglected my rubber stamps so I brought them to the party today to play with my Gelli Plate!

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube







A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube







When I want the rubber stamp to pull up lots of paint then I stamp it off each time.  This gives me 2 for the price of 1!  I get the Gelli print and another layer on an art journal page.

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube


I loved how this one looked so much I had to set it aside just as it was.  The Gelli Plate is also a great way to create a “paint pad” (instead of an ink pad)  to stamp with and there is no waste since the “paint pad” gets cleaned off by making a Gelli print!




A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube


This is now a great base layer for a journal page.  Much of it will be covered up but the lines and layers peeking through will add rich layers to whatever this journal page becomes.





A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube


The index cards I printed on – changing the size of the paper changes the feeling completely for me.





Thank you to everyone who has come to party!  There is still time to link up. The linky will be open for almost another week!

  • Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr page, YouTube videos – it is all welcome!  New posts or recent posts are welcome!
  • Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
  • Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party.  You know how wonderful kind comments encourage us creative types!
  • Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.  If you notice your link deleted it is because it didn’t have a thing to do with the Gelli plate and that is what we’re celebrating here!

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  • elle ,

    I have learned so much. Thanks, Carolyn

  • In love with the stamping, Carolyn. I had such a great week watching you and participating in the party. Great mail art to send with those index cards. Just sayin.

  • Great video Carolyn. I have to catch up on your earlier posts.

  • I really like the way this stamp came out, the impression is so crisp…..Judy and I were doing alot of that a couple of week ago together and we had a ball….Thanks so much for hosting this gelli madness and fun party…..xox

  • Oh, Carolyn, I have SO enjoyed stopping in each day to see what beauty you have created! It’s simply amazing what you can do with your Gelli Plate!! Thanks for sharing your creations and also huge thanks for the videos too!

  • jane w. ,

    Okay…so u grabbed me..tho I had to BORROW a gelli…I HAD SO MUCH FUN! lol thanks for all the great inspiration! Yes..I am buying one!

  • Linda K ,

    Thanks for a most fun gelli party experience Carolyn!! I really love that stamp you used and the crisp prints you got.

  • This is my fave plate of gelli this week, and I am totally jealous that I have no gelli-platte. Next time perhaps! HUgs, Valerie

  • Barbara Albrecht ,

    Thanks for letting me come to the PaRTy!!! Had a blast!!! I’m so sorry that the party is over….crying all over my keyboard. Gotta get out my stamps and get them all painty.

    Thanks for a week of inspiration!!

  • Claudette ,

    Thanks for a great week! You party animal!

  • I’m so sad this is over and have been inspired so much by you and the other artists participating. Thank you so much for hosting such a fabulous party!

  • jane w. ,

    oops…please check my post again…seems it linked to the wrong one 🙁 So sorry Carolyn- thanks for the G R E A T gelli education.

  • Gayle ,

    Looks like a great party that I will have to attend sometime. I’ve not workeds with Gelli plates, but have wanted to. Looks fun.

  • maryk ,

    ah reeeeally, it’s over. I have loved watching you work and love the links to other participants. so many new techniques and ideas and everthing is so pretty. I made a ton of prints over the weekend. hoping to get some of them scanned today and loaded up to flickr. it’s been great and all I can say is more please 🙂

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    You have really inspired me to get my plate out and play, thank you!

  • Maria McGuire ,

    You made me laugh in the beginning when you flipped the page 🙂 I have to tell you..the tip about the electric toothbrush was one of the BEST tips I have ever heard!!!!

  • Thank you for the party, it went too fast!

  • Very cool! Love this stamp, and your video is very fun!

  • Dara Lynn ,

    I have so enjoyed this past week!!! I just found my oopss…started my brand new journal on the back page…….upside down….ooopsss!

  • Janet ,

    I wish I had a gelli plate… 🙁
    You are an inspiration Carolyn!
    Beautiful Fun stuff!

  • Missed this one before! What a great party you had. Love the repeated stamping (wax on, wax off!) on this one.

  • Nice job, Carolyn! I have a Geli plate, too–although I haven’t quite mastered it yet. So fun to see what you and others are doing with it. Happy New Year of creating!

  • Hol ,

    The toothbrush idea is great. Thanks so much for sharing. The arches stamp you used is great. Would you mind sharing who makes it?