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Play Dates: A Sticky Spray Ink

Video Play Date with Color Blooms spray inks and rubber stamps with Carolyn Dube

Different spray inks do different things for me. Ā Prima’s Color Blooms have a sticky feel to them (not implying they are glue like, just a bit stickier on the hands)Ā and that means they work well with things I want them to stick to – like a rubber stamp without beading up.

In today’s Play Date, I show you how easy it is to use spray ink with a rubber stamp from Technique Junkies. Ā Then to get even crazier with you – I used lots of brown!

Video Play Date with a sticky spray ink and rubber stamps with Carolyn DubePlay Dates are all about the conversation about a supply. Ā Do you notice the feel of the ink on your hands being different from one brand to another? Ā I’d love to hear what you’re thinking about spray inks.


Play Dates with Carolyn Dube Come and have fun while exploring different supplies!  So how can you join the conversation? Ā Leave a comment here telling us all what you enjoy about spray inks or what your favorite is or tip or trick! Ā Click on over toĀ Ā A Colorful Playground over on Google+ and share your spray ink creations. It can be something new or a favorite spray ink project from whenever! Ā Join in however you are comfortable!

Want to know more about Play Dates? Check out this post here that explains it all!


WatchĀ Play Dates: Spray Inks and Rubber Stamps on YouTube.

Want to win a Wall of Words stencil? Ā Ā One commenter on this blog post chosen by Random.org will get Wall of Words! Ā Want more chances? Ā Share this on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. and come back and tell me where you shared it for more chances to win! Ā Be entered by the end of the day on Oct. 2nd to win. I’ll announce the winner on my blog on Oct. 3rd. (and yes, Internationals can win too!)

Supplies Used:

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  • muriel ,

    I just loooove the Wall of Words stencil! Using it flipped over is great! Thanks for the video.

  • Shelly Jackson ,

    Those are really cool. Love the trigger!

  • Boekwrm ,

    I really enjoy your quick and lighthearted videos. I’ love to play with your wordstencil, its great!

  • Teresa R ,

    Love your Wall of Words stencil. so many ways to use it. time to experiment once I get one

  • I love how easy spray inks are to use and how easy you can get an easy background done.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      They are one of the fastest and easiest ways for me to get a background Anne!

  • I shared this on pinterest

  • Stacy ,

    Love your videos Carolyn… Thanks so much… Great stencils too!!!!

  • Cynthia Smith ,

    What I love about spray inks are the unpredictable results. Every new attempt is a surprise, interesting in its own way for one reason or the other. Always a delight! I had actually considered Wall of Words stencil recently, and rejected the idea as I couldn’t see it happening in my mind’s eye. Thanks for illustrating how cool it can be. It really came alive with your demo!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      That unpredictability of spray inks is one big reason why I love them…I can’t fully control them! Glad you liked the video too Cynthia!

  • Cynthia Smith ,

    Shared on facebook and pinterest.

  • Chris ,

    Loved the play date video. I will be trying out spray inks on a rubber stamp very soon. I love Stencil girl stencils that you use and heading over to check out the website now. Thanks.

  • Alice ,

    I just love to watch your video’s, they’re fun and inspiring. So much so, that I just subscribed to your newsletter, so I won’t miss anything!!!
    Those stencils are great by the way!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Welcome Alice to the newsletter – there are bonus videos and downloads that I don’t share anywhere else – and now you won’t miss a thing!

  • Terry ,

    I’m new to using stencils and would love the opportunity to win Wall of Words ! PS-love your blog and you tube videos! Thanks for putting your work out there for us to learn and be inspired by.

  • Love that stencil, with the ability to choose the focus. I like spray inks for highlighting – masking off the area around in order to highlight something specific. I’m sure it would work like a charm for this stencil!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Spray inks are great for that Win Dinn!

  • April Lopez ,

    love this one. I love your word stencils.

  • Ingeborg van Peteghem ,

    Who wouldn’t want to win a C.D. stencil?!! They are awesome!

  • Ellen ,

    I love the Prima sprays. Beautiful colors with a lovely shine. I am not, however, a big fan of the sticky feel. I initially experimented with them in my journal by spraying on both sides of a double-page spread. Because of the stickiness factor, the pages stuck together as a result. They do peel apart without damage, but now that I know what to expect, I try to avoid spraying across two pages that will be touching each other. That is a limiting factor for me.

    Though now, thanks to you, I’m going to try them out on a few stamps!!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I agree- that sticky on my hands took me by surprise a bit at first, then I realized how that worked to my advantage with things I wanted a bit more stick to it..such as stamps and stencils Ellen.

    • Liz ,

      What if you sprayed your pages with a fixative? That will usually take the stickiness out.

  • Shari Czerwinski ,

    I am so glad I found your blog a few weeks ago! You have such a cheerful attitude and are such a great teacher, making me believe I can do anything after seeing you explain it! Time will tell LOL šŸ™‚

  • Sporecrafter ,

    Love the interesting ways you create. It looks simple n inspires me to try it out too. Havent tried sprsy inks as I am new to mixed media n papercrafting.

  • gill edwards ,

    Im not a fan of spray inks, i find them too messy until i watch one of your videos and then, man do i want to go out and buy a whole load and give them a try.
    great video as usual Carolyn.
    Gill x

  • Joyce Adams ,

    I love your playful attitude when you are creating. I am new to spray inks and stencils but you make it look to easy and fun! I would love to have these products in my supplies!

  • Karen Black ,

    Very cool! Love the stencil and the idea of using the spray inks on stamps.

  • Glenda L ,

    I have never paid attention to the stickiness factor, but will try it out. I have so many Gelli plate pulls on my floor right now, I must try combining them with spray inked stamps. I love that stencil. I had not taken the time to really “read” all the phrases until now. It’s a must have one for all the affirmations it includes. Thanks for an opportunity to win it.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Gelli prints and spray inks are a winning combination!

  • Tina ,

    I love your blog and videos and your focus on words, since I love to include them on my art journal pages! I hope I win this stencil as it seems so versatile and fun to experiment with! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  • Sally Clum ,

    I absolutely loved the trees and stencil look you created with the Color Blooms! I am on a very limited income so most of my spray inks are self-created, but I love using what I have to create backgrounds onto which I can stamp images and sentiments. I am a card maker so the backgrounds provide awesome fodder for my work. Thanks for sharing!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I so agree Sally! Spray inks make great backgrounds for cards!

  • Oh thatĀ“s a cool video and I LOVE the big word stencil šŸ™‚ thank you for sharing and thank you for the change to win šŸ™‚

  • Theresa P. ,

    I Fell in love with this stencil yesterday as soon as I seen it in the newsletter, I really really want šŸ™‚ I love what you did with it, and the sprays, wow, didn’t realize you could stamp with them, I foresee lots of trouble for me in the near future with those being involved šŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win.

  • Linda L. ,

    What can I say…I love ink and what’s better than spraying it in journals, on cards….I especially love it on my fingers! Well not necessarily… But I do get questions and funny looks! I’ll be sharing! And the video was great!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Got a funny look today at the eye dr. with pink paint under one nail, blue paint under another, and green all up my arm!

  • Vicki ,

    these videos are great. Love learning about the inks. Thanks so much. I am just starting this journey at 70 years old, so I have a short time to learn a lot.
    : )

  • Jennifer ,

    Love the new stencils!

  • I love all of your word stencils, Carolyn, and I’m delighted that now there are even more of them available!

  • Lucinda ,

    I am love with every type of spray. The colors just call to me. I just can’t get enough of them. All I have to do is decide witch ones to use on what. I always want to use them all .

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      And what fun when you use them all at once Lucinda!

  • I like using my scrap ink soaked paper towels as collage material. I love the texture it creates.

  • Marina ,

    Thanks for sharing your talent. I’m just new to mixed media work and I’m finding your videos a fantastic learning tool.

  • Carolyn! I love it when you use browns! The card you made is lovely!1 I see hints of other colors also- really very pretty- see? It wasn’t that hard! “)

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      It really wasn’t that hard…lol!

  • Debbie Dunham ,

    Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love learning how to utilize my supplies more!

  • Eileen ,

    I do you think that these sprays can be used on a gelli plate ? I know that they say not use inks but these kind remind of watered down acrylic paint ? I have been waiting to try them for a while now, this just have me the extra push lol.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I have used spray inks on the Gelli plate and loved it…haven’t done it with Color Blooms yet but I say…why not!

  • Boo ,

    You have made my day by telling me these sprays don’t react a lot to water. I’ve been looking for sprays that stay put. I love the idea of spraying the stamp. I’ve never been a big fan of spray ink because they moved too much. I’ve got to buy
    some of these and give them a try. I love the idea of the play date. Great idea!!!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I find it so interesting what we each want in a spray ink…I love the ones that react more than the ones that stay put. Thank heavens there are so many different ones for us to choose from so we can all have what we want!

  • Denise Spillane ,

    I never used sprays this way. That was so cool using it to stamp like that. Something I have to try. I also like how the cleanup of your wall stencil looked like bricks too.

  • Dawn ,

    Your wall of words stencil is great. And as always I enjoyed your video.Thanks

  • Another brand of spray inks I’ve never heard of! I just ordered 7 colors of yesterday’s brand; I might have to put these on my personal wish list. Thanks for a chance to win your cool wall of words stencil.

  • pjay ,

    Love the stencil and would be so thrilled if I win! Thank you.

  • Hope Amen ,

    Love that your videos share techniques that are so versatile. I use spray inks to get over the “blank page”. They make great backgrounds for journals and gelli prints as well. Thanks so much Carolyn…your wall of words stencil is awesome.

  • love the stencil design. nice video too.

  • Edie ,

    Glad I already have these in my stash, unopened and ready to rock so this episode of Carolyn Dube, Enabler at Large, wom’t eat into the food money for the week

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Enabler at Large…I like that title Edie!

  • I love using stencils and a black inktense block. The image is then a very bold graphic.

  • Toula Makris ,

    I love the fact that you can use the colour Bloom sprays with stamps.
    Just tried it , and I absolutely love the results. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • silvia gonzalez dupuy ,

    Beautiful Carolyn! thank you for sharing your art and ideas.

  • Kathryn ,

    I’m enjoying this series on ink sprays! The Colour Blooms look great and the trigger spray will be easier to use. The tree stamp went so nicely with your Wall of Words. Thanks for sharing!

  • Tasha F ,

    Brown…who knew? Not my favorite, but you made it look great :).

  • cool demo. Would love to have the stencil…so versatile!

  • Liz Lumsden ,

    I JUST order my first Prima Color Blooms on Sunday and am looking forward to getting them (hopefully soon) so I can use your technique! I have to admit I have a big variety of spray inks, from numerous brands. So I do not like so much, others I love. I will post again when I get my inks!!

  • Claudia ,

    Carolyn, you are rocking with both stencils and contacts! Your videos are so helpful and urge me forward in using my stuff! Show your eye doctor some of your creations! Thanks for sharing.

  • Corrine ,

    Sticky, well that’s you, but brown? Again? I am liking it…nice piece. xox

  • I am enjoying these Play Dates. Learning about some new supplies! Love that stencil. šŸ™‚

  • Alyce ,

    I’m enjoying these playdates. My spray inks are extremely underutilized. You are inspiring me to get them out and play!

  • Carol Ponsford ,

    So many possibilities with this stencil. Thanks for the chance to win one! Love this technique.

  • Love your words stencil…. wonder how long you spent choosing the actual word/phrases when making originally.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      More than I could count Beverley!

  • I’m thinking I need to get some of the Prima Color Blooms… Mica, you said mica?? That means shimmer in my book–woohoo!!! I use Dylusions Spray inks because of their vibrant colors, cuz I really like bright/loud color!!! I also use Tim Holtz Distress Spray Inks, because, well.. Their Tim’s! And I love that grungy color he has going on. I also make my own spray inks from reinkers, that way I can make a more concentrated or less color, also, I can mix several colors together. I like Tattered Angles because of their shimmer. And then there is Lindys Stamp Gang Sprays — my oh my, talk about shimmer and tonal effect!! Amazing inks, just amazing. Do I have a favorite, not really. They all play differently, which plays to my mood.

  • Sharon ,

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this stencil!!! I haven’t tried the blooms sprays yet but they look fantastic! I have loads of different spray inks and even though I love the colours I find that the ones with mica block up and I can’t get them started again at all šŸ™ any ideas on how to fix them???? Sharon xx

  • Patty Lippart ,

    Hi Carolyn. Love your videos and your stencil Wall of Words. I’d love to win the stencil, it’s amazing!!,

  • Lynne Phelps ,

    My favorite sprays are the Ranger ones, like Heirloom Gold. The liquid is clear, all the color is from the mica shimmer. So it’s great to put over things you’ve already colored with other mediums as it just adds sparkle!

  • Jill ,

    Thank you for all of your inspiration and sharing of your fun, artful techniques. Pinned you on Pinterest. Excited to try them out!

  • pjay hansen ,

    I pinned!

  • Cara B. ,

    I love watching your videos! My favorite thing to do with sprays is load up a page with a ton of color! Then go on top of that with spraying through a stencil. šŸ™‚

  • Angela Watson ,

    That stencil is “groovylicious!” I can totally see myself making true works of art with it.

  • Faith ,

    Never saw these sprays! Can’t wait to find some now.

  • Laurie Hunt ,

    These sprays really intrigue me. Even more so since you talked of their stickiness. Gotta get me some soon.

  • TheresaMP ,

    I have a hard time using words in my artwork and this has been true through out my artistic lifetime of forty plus years. I would not chose to purchase a word stencil but if I win one I would just have to give it a play. thanks as always for sharing.

  • Lissa ,

    Stencils, spray ink, like love and marriage!!

  • Sherry ,

    Hi there please add my to your awesome play dates . ….

  • Liz ,

    I never even thought of spraying my stamps! Carolyn, you are a genius!

  • Susan Schultheis ,

    These play dates are so much fun! I love learning about the different sprays and what techniques they are used for. There are so many brands out there and want them all. Thanks.

  • That technique is awesome!! So, are the Color Blooms in your top 3? I know I saw the ones that didn’t make your top three….but did you ever share what the top ones were and I missed it?

  • AWESOME, what a stand-out look!

  • Lora ,

    I’ve never used spray inks, so very much appreciate these little tutorials. Thanks, Carolyn!

  • Melody S. from KS ,

    Color Blooms have now been added to my wish list too! That stamped so beautifully! Does it stay damp long enough to use embossing powder with it? I also understand that the pumps on these bottles are also much better than many other brands? How do you feel about them?

    I really liked what happened when you smeared the water around at the end. It didn’t really transfer much ink, but the edges and splatters softened and smudged beautifully! I can think of lots of uses for that technique!

    Thanks again for the outstandingly generous opportunity! I am in love with stencils these days!

  • Jane Ellen Kimball ,

    Wow that stuff looks great. Love that you can use it with stamps – the best thing for me. This is a great series. Thanks again for doing this.

  • Cheryl ,

    I love this stencil. What you’ve done with it in this video has sold me on it’s versatility. Right side up or right side down…both are great! And Prima Color Blooms…another spray to add to my collection! Oh my. I’m going to have to try one or two and see how I like them. They seem very cool!

  • Yvonne ,


    Thanks for the info on Color Bloom. I hesitated in buying them as I have so many other sprays; but it is good to know about their properties. So, maybe I’ll get a few!

  • Gini Cooper ,

    I’ve never noticed sticky ink, but sure will look for it now. I haven’t tried sprays on stamps, but it’s in my future for sure. Love that stencil!

  • Robin B. ,

    I love using text in my art and would LOVE to win one of your wonderful Wall of Words stencils! Count me in!

  • Vicky ,

    those colorblooms look like real fun, should consider investing in some of them.

  • I don’t have any of these so I really appreciate the demo and tips. They look like a lot of fun to play with. Oh, and the wall of words stencil will probably come to my house whether I win it or not. Probably shouldn’t tell you that. šŸ˜‰

  • pat quilty ,

    love your new videos.

  • I havent splurged on these yet but after seeing you stamp with them and get such a perfect image, I’m going to have to give in to the pressure!!

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  • Vicki W ,

    The stencil has a myriad of uses! What an awesome product. Great video, too!