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How Long Does it Take Me to Finish an Art Journal Page

Check out the step by step layers building up on this art journal page and see how long it takes me!

Does an art journal page happen in one afternoon?  It can, but very very rarely for me.  I used to feel pressure to “finish what I start” in one afternoon.  That pressure that took the fun out of it for me so I decided to let an art journal page take as long as it wanted.

Check out the step by step layers building up on this art journal page and see how long it takes me!

How long between each session?  Every page, every canvas, every project is different.

This was done 3-6 months ago or even longer – can’t remember.  I was simply playing around with paint with no expectations.


Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page!Today, my muse decided it was time to add more.  Using just one stencil, Urban Insiders Tag by Seth Apter, I stenciled white in the grid of dots by using parts of the stencil.


Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page!

Using Seth’s Urban Insiders Circle, Square, and Star I created a messy random background with watery white paint.

Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page!

I love the feeling of movement thanks to one of Maria McGuire’s butterflies from her Butterfly Duo stencil.  At this point it is hard to see the detail of it on the page.  Never fear!  This is just the first layer with a quick stenciling with ink and a sponge.

Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page using Fantastix!


I colored it in with All Purpose ink & a Fantastix.



Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page!


I put the stencil right back on top of where it was and stenciled it with white paint.



Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page with a pico embellisher!


Then I traced over the butterfly with an irRESISTible pico embellisher.

Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page with a pico embellisher!




The fine tip is a bit addictive…I just didn’t want to stop drawing with it so I kept on drawing!


Check out the step by step layers of stenciling building up on this art journal page with fantastix!


After adding a very very thin layer of white paint, I added more yellow with a Fantastix and yellow all purpose ink.



And this is where the page will wait until I am ready to add more since there is no rule about how quickly an art journal page must be completed.  How long will it be?  Could be a day. Could be a month.  Could be more.  Of course, I’ll share with you as it develops.

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  • Jan J ,

    PHEW! I have pages that are over a year old still calmly waiting for completion. I know one day they will call out to me. Glad to know I’m not the only one who “waits till it’s right”.

  • Ruth L ,

    Carolyn, that’s why I always skip the part of putting the date stamp on my spreads, I guess I just don’t want to consider a piece finished, it would mean to say good-bye, to part, and as it comes from me and it is usually my feelings I just can’t close it… but yeah I say I am on an art journey, I am sharing my progress, but I won’t stop 🙂

  • Glenda H ,

    His Kingdom Come Bible study word this week is Transformation. I looked at all the artwork displayed on their site, but I think your artwork beats them all. Thank you for sharing this beautiful page and inspiring me to get my week started afresh. We are all a work in progress.

  • Couldn’t have said it better! When doing paintings, I may work on 5-6 actively at a time. Gives the work (and Wicki) time to percolate!

  • Glad to hear how long a page could be finished in. For me it can take forever or so it seems!

  • I think the answer to how long does it take is the sameas the answer to the question, “how long is a piece of string?”

  • The play is ongoing – it really never has to stop. I do the same thing with paintings, adding layer upon layer, sometimes over months, until it’s done.

  • Mary W ,

    Hurray for you. The perfect reason for having an art journal – let your muse play.

  • Corrine ,

    I don’t know how long. I did manage to fill up a whole journal last year, but with stitching fingers we will see how painty I get. xox

  • What a beautiful journal spread!!

  • Oh, I am sooo glad you did this. I have pages in my journal from a couple of years ago that I have done nothing with cuz they haven’t “spoken” to me in forever!!! Think I need to dig them out and have a conversation with them!! Gorgeous page, Carolyn and those stencils are a must have!!! –Sylvia

  • di ,

    hi. interesting. quick question… what weight of paper do you use in your art journals?

  • Seth ,

    Love the brightness and joy in this spread. Thanks for using my stencils along the way 🙂