I ran out of Scotch tape while wrapping gifts. O.O.P.S.! It was an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly so instead of running out to the store, I did something else. I gel printed a big piece of paper and sewed the gift into a pouch. No tape needed!
This was speedy gel printing all about just getting the white space covered with pattern and color. To make it easy I stayed with all pinks and red. And in the video, you can see it’s willy nilly printing.
Since the paper was going to be sewn, I used a heavier weight paper. It comes in a pad of 18×24 size pages. If you don’t have this, a great substitute is a paper grocery or shopping bag.
Sew up 3 sides, then insert your gift and sew up the last side. Add a bit of ribbon and a gift tag and you’ve got a wrapped gift ready to go!
If your gifts are smaller, then you can use smaller papers. Since I was putting these in a box and shipping them, I needed them to be sturdier. If you’re handing someone a gift, you might be able to use a thinner weight paper and have it work just great.
Wish me luck that the line to ship is short and sweet! Hope you have a relaxing and as peaceful as possible holiday!
Cool idea! Quick question, what kind of sewing machine are you using?
Thanks in advance.
I absolutely adore this. Hope you and the family are doing well and staying safe!!
Love your idea, but I am always done Christmas shopping and wrapping by the first week in September. Hate the last minute rush, and not being able to find just what I want. Love your sewing the gift wrap idea, you could also sew Christmas cards to match, and write your own verse inside.
I love this idea, and the colors you used are my absolute favorites to use at Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. So, how was the line to ship it out? Hope you didn’t spend to much time waiting in line. 🙂
so cool! thanks
What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!!
Loved this video! It has inspired me to think outside of the box when wrapping special gifts!
So glad to see you back “online” as it were….in your new digs. Love that sewing machine…press a button and it stops, cuts the thread, stands at attention! Wow.
Also thanks for the head’s up on the large size mix media paper….I’m teaching a gel plate class in January/Feb so that will really come in handy.
this is such a great way to jazz any gift. Happy Christmas too !!
Wow, great idea and more fun than shopping for tape. More time consuming but so much more creative! I love this paper in both mixed media and watercolor versions. Great for hand sewn journals, too. Thanks for your ongoing inspiration!
Very Happy Christmas. xx