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Quick Gel Printing Gift Wrap

Quick Gel Printing Gift Wrap

I ran out of Scotch tape while wrapping gifts. O.O.P.S.! It was an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly so instead of running out to the store, I did something else. I gel printed a big piece of paper and sewed the gift into a pouch. No tape needed!

This was speedy gel printing all about just getting the white space covered with pattern and color. To make it easy I stayed with all pinks and red. And in the video, you can see it’s willy nilly printing.

Since the paper was going to be sewn, I used a heavier weight paper. It comes in a pad of 18×24 size pages. If you don’t have this, a great substitute is a paper grocery or shopping bag.

Sew up 3 sides, then insert your gift and sew up the last side. Add a bit of ribbon and a gift tag and you’ve got a wrapped gift ready to go!

If your gifts are smaller, then you can use smaller papers. Since I was putting these in a box and shipping them, I needed them to be sturdier. If you’re handing someone a gift, you might be able to use a thinner weight paper and have it work just great.

Wish me luck that the line to ship is short and sweet! Hope you have a relaxing and as peaceful as possible holiday!

The neon pink and Cadmium red medium were from Plaza Art.

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  • Cathy ,

    Cool idea! Quick question, what kind of sewing machine are you using?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Judy ,

    I absolutely adore this. Hope you and the family are doing well and staying safe!!

  • Linda ,

    Love your idea, but I am always done Christmas shopping and wrapping by the first week in September. Hate the last minute rush, and not being able to find just what I want. Love your sewing the gift wrap idea, you could also sew Christmas cards to match, and write your own verse inside.

  • Dani ,

    I love this idea, and the colors you used are my absolute favorites to use at Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. So, how was the line to ship it out? Hope you didn’t spend to much time waiting in line. 🙂

  • Fabienne ,

    so cool! thanks

  • Cindy ,

    What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!!

  • Jo Price ,

    Loved this video! It has inspired me to think outside of the box when wrapping special gifts!

  • Peggy Joyce ,

    So glad to see you back “online” as it were….in your new digs. Love that sewing machine…press a button and it stops, cuts the thread, stands at attention! Wow.
    Also thanks for the head’s up on the large size mix media paper….I’m teaching a gel plate class in January/Feb so that will really come in handy.

  • Bernadette Josephine ,

    this is such a great way to jazz any gift. Happy Christmas too !!

  • Marilynne ,

    Wow, great idea and more fun than shopping for tape. More time consuming but so much more creative! I love this paper in both mixed media and watercolor versions. Great for hand sewn journals, too. Thanks for your ongoing inspiration!

  • Kathy ,

    Very Happy Christmas. xx