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Chaos in my Head

Do you do morning pages from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron?  I do & I often use my morning pages in my art.  I use a handful of paint pens and just write, especially when I am feeling stuck.  That became my base for this art journal page.  Here is a video showing how I did the first part of this page.

I just started smearing paint on it making some circles.  As I looked at them I saw heads – heads full of chaos- just the way my head feels on way too many days!






I added a bit more paint and carved more circles into the paint.







The chaos in my head- all things I want to do, all the things I need to do, all the things I should do, and all the things I haven’t done- were just swirling around.  I realized that what I needed to do was just breathe.  Just take a moment and breathe.  So simple and so powerful.

Got a moment?  Stop by these great blogs to relax and soak up the creativity!  Creative Every Day and Inspire Me Monday and Just Journals!

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  • alice ,

    no joke! i feel like this on too many days! but it’s usually late in the day – haha! love this post 🙂

  • I know this feeling so well! Great way to work it off! Valerie

  • donna ,

    Colorful expression of chaos. That was the basis of my 5/4 blog post. I like your chaos head; it sure feels like that some days LOL. Thank you for an outlook on chaos that makes me feel rather joyful. Cheers, donna peach

  • Carol ,

    LOL ~ know the feeling ~ yet you used the energy to create wonderfully colorful creations ~ Wow~ thanks,namaste, ^_^

  • I really like how your mind works. Very colorful. And then, I like how you describe how your mind works. Even more colorful!!

  • So colorful. Looks like my head on Monday mornings. 🙂

  • This just jumped right out at me. This work speaks VOLUMES. I am wishing to be immersed in your chaos. xox

  • Totally fun and I think if you took a cross section of the brain of just about any creative person, it would look just like this! Great way to put your scribble piece to work!

  • Dolores ,

    You have this all worked out just beautifully. I need to try and do something similar and see if it helps me. Thanks for your inspiration.

  • Lovely way to take the chaos and spin yourself a wee web of calm. I have been finding that this whole Zentangle thing is REALLY effective for me when I get to spinning. I don’t even pretend to know the “right” ways to DO it, only that the process is like sitting in my grandmother’s lap. This looks like similar fun. Great share!!

  • I know exactly what you mean!

  • Ginny ,

    I realized when looking at your painting that I often feel just like this. I try really hard to relax but life doesn’t always cooperate. What a great way to express how you and so many others of us feel.

  • Jo ,

    From chaotic scribble to a calm layout – brilliant! I may just borrow this layering technique – thank you Carol!

  • Tat ,

    I love your vision of chaos… and it looks like happy chaos – all the colours are bright and cheerful 🙂

  • jane w. ,

    wow…if you knew how this post spoke to me …THIS was a post about me today tfs

  • cat @ sea.sky.stone. ,

    This is great! I tried doing morning pages way back when, but it didn’t really stick. Never thought about using them in my art…I like that.

  • Oooh this is SO awesome! I am really learning a lot from you Carolyn, your sense of freedom and not making things to “precious” is a great lesson for me. Oh! AND guess what? I am taking a Jessie Reno class in October at Art and Soul! YOU were an inspiration to do that!
    AND YAY, so happy that you’ll be joining The Summer of Color – it really is so much fun, xoxo

  • Morning pages in art, yes! I’ve finished a morning page- journal some time ago and will include it in a new art journal. Thanks for sharing the work in progress, it’s so much fun to see. 🙂

  • Gina ,

    I love your illustration — the colors and shapes are terrific! I think we all feel the chaos closing in sometimes. You are so right about deep breathing!

  • I really like all the colorful lines! Thanks for sharing with Just Journals.

  • oh my goodness, that’s how i feel all the time! my head feels like swirls of mush. great post!

  • Susan ,

    Glad to know that I’m not alone with such feelings. But I love the journaling process that you showed here. It is a great way to take it out of our system.

  • Amy* ,

    Carolyn, I so enjoy reading your blog and being able to see your creative process. In the beginning stage your art is like a tiny seed and you are the gardener armed with paints and pens instead of watering cans and miracle grow. I am always amazed at how you plant these seeds of creativity and make them bloom and grow into beautiful works of art!


  • Linda K ,

    What a fab page and boy, I’m sure what you have shared about it speaks to so many of us. A wonderful reminder to, yes, just breathe.Thank you.

  • Christi McBride ,

    That sums it all up! What a thought process you had there. Brilliant 🙂