This idea, to combine stencils and image transfer was a total O.O.P.S., an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly. I thought perfect little butterflies would transfer. Nope. Not a one. In fact, it looked terrible. But, that led me to the next layer, which turned that something ugly into something so much better than I had [...]
Tutorial Ever have a gel print that you really like but you know it needs more? That’s where I was with this print. That pink area was calling to me, so to get focal image there I used the InkAid image transfer process. Before starting, the paint on this print was completely and thoroughly dry. [...] Stamping with paint is so much easier when you use a Gel Press plate. Why? Because the gel plate acts at the “ink pad” and enables you to get the fine details in the stamp using paint. As a bonus, not a drop of the paint has to be wasted! In the video you’ll [...] Can you do an image transfer ON a vintage photo? Absolutely! This turned out to be a great way to have fun with some of the black and white photos I’ve got that aren’t my favorite. Well, they weren’t until I put these playful pops of color on them using InkAid’s image transfer process. [...] Being able to add an image, some fancy script, or anything else to mixed media piece is why I have been drawn to image transfers. But I’m impatient and the image transfer process has never been very successful for me, until now. I stumbled upon InkAid’s process using Transferiez solution and now I can [...] Butterflies make for playful cards to send to friends, especially when you raise their wings as if they’re mid flight! This card is very forgiving to make, as you’ll see in the video! If you’re thinking something didn’t go as planned, you’re right! The play starts with a gel plate and my Butterfly Journeys [...] Neat and tidy coloring inside the lines isn’t something you see very often at aColorfulJourney but when I do it here, I am not really staying carefully inside the lines. But it doesn’t really show up because of what I used to add the color to this gel print! This is the print I [...] What can you do with gel prints from your stash that don’t feel finished but you’re not sure what to add next? Use a mask to add a layer! In this video, you’ll see how the prints change dramatically in just a single layer. Whether your print has a lot going on (like my [...] Can you gel print on fabric? Absolutely! This is a great way to create patterned fabric for any of your projects. Plus, the bonus is you have it in any color you want! The video above you’ll see the entire process and below you’ll see some other fabric prints used to make smaller gnomes. [...] Why do air bubbles happen to most gel plates? Because air gets trapped between a layer, like a plastic protector, and the plate. It can leave little indentations in the plate. Does this “ruin” the plate? Nope. This happens to most gel plates and in this video, I’m sharing what works for me to [...]