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April’s Colorful Gelli Print Party

Gelli printing on a shirt for the April Colorful Gelli Print Party with Carolyn Dube

Happy April 1st!  I am so very very excited for so many reasons!

1.  It’s party time with the Gelli Plate and we get to see what everyone has been creating!

2.  Now I have a fun shirt to wear to Art Is You in Nashville. Are you going?  Let me know, I’d love to say hi in person!  I’ll have on my Gelli printed shoes and this shirt-so I should be pretty easy to find!

3.  Monday is the first day of class for A Colorful Workshop: Gelli Printing!  It is actually live a day early because I’m like a kid at Christmas!   Couldn’t wait!   I have been so busy with so many different projects I have not had time to change the PayPal buttons on the class – so there is still time to grab the $10 discount.  No promises on how long it will be available after April 1st at that price, so grab it while you can!

4.  I get to have fun with my teenagers-they still haven’t forgotten the scoop of mashed potatoes in an ice cream cone…

THE COMPUTER MISBEHAVED! THIS VIDEO DID NOT UPLOAD CORRECTLY- WILL HAVE THE FULL VIDEO UPLOADED AS SOON AS I CAN GET BACK TO MY COMPUTER TO REDO IT.  SORRY! Latest update: The video has some sort of error in it that I don’t fully understand, just know that it was not salvageable…very sorry!

This shirt now has its first layers on it and several oops.  I did get bits of paint here and there where I didn’t plan but that is just proof to me that it will need more touches of color added.   Just like a Gelli print, this will end up with lots of layers before I call it complete. The next layers will be put on this shirt at Art Is You in Nashville.   Who knows where the next layers will come from!

Gelli printing on a shirt for the April Colorful Gelli Print Party with Carolyn Dube

The Party – open all month!

Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr photos, YouTube videos – it is all welcome!  New posts or recent posts are welcome!

  • Link to a specific blog post or flickr page or YouTube video that way people can easily find your Gelli goodness.
  • Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
  • Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party.  You know how  comments encourage us creative types!
  • Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.
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  • Great shirt Carolyn! Enjoy the party. It’s so nice to see your beautiful face!! xx

  • Boo ,

    Love the shirt. Have fun in Nashville.

  • I love your colourful arty shirt Carolyn, it’s beautiful!
    Alison x

  • Hey, friend… you look awesome.. Love that you’re letting your hair grow. You know, I would have never thought of making buildings at the bottom of a shirt, but that’s out of bounds and so cool. Think of me when you’re in Nashville. Take lots of pictures.

  • What a fun artsy shirt! You look great in the photo – have fun in Nashville!

  • gail ,

    I’ll be in Nashville…I’m going to keep my eye out for that shirt and those shoes. 🙂

    • Carolyn ,

      Fabulous! Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  • Rinda ,

    Such a fun, fun shirt! It would also be great to decorate an apron.

    • Carolyn ,

      An apron would be great too! I hadn’t even thought of that!

  • Your shirt is awesome! Have a fantastic time in Nashville….looking forward to the class tomorrow.

  • What a fab shirt! Interesting. Maybe you could next do a shirt version of a circle journal! Send it to 5 friends and let them each add to it…could be cool, or a hot mess depending on the frends!

    Mary Anne

  • Fab shirt. What a great idea. And you look just beautiful. Can’t wait to see you.

  • What a fun shirt! Love it! You are just so creative, lady. 🙂

  • Amazing shirt. You will rock the house at Nashville. I think you need some cowboy boots to go with it girl!!!! Off to check out the first video today!! xox

  • So cool!!! You are just so darn clever. Can’t wait to see you in person 🙂

  • This is soooo awesome!! Love it Carolyn!!

  • Love the shirt! Can’t wait to see what else you add to it.

  • Your shirt is fabulous! xx

  • Super cute shirt. Can’t wait to try this technique on fabric!

  • artmusedog and Carol ,

    Wow! Beautiful creation ~ well done and very colorful ~ Dazzling ^_^

  • Hi

    Wow, fantastic, love it! Such a great design. Great video too.

    Unfortunately though, as the finished piece is not actually paper craft it is not a valid entry in to the Make It Monday linky party.

    Was fun to come check it out though.

    Michelle :o)

  • Fabulous! Love the design and it’s so uniquely you!!!

  • Raine ,

    So it seems to be just me who felt like the video ended in the middle! I wanted to see you actually printing the shirt. I thought you’d be able to show me how to keep the clean parts of the shirt clean while printing another part. I was a little disappointed. 🙁 In fact, for a moment, I actually thought it was an April Fool’s joke. I guess I AM the Fool! 😉

  • Rhonda ,

    Love the shirt!! I am curious how you keep the rest of it so clean when you were printing on the houses? Seems like it would be a colorful mess if I did it! LOL
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Amazing how much fun that gelli plate still brings!

    • Carolyn ,

      Good old painters tape- lots of the blue tape and then lifting carefully to not drop the arm in paint by accident…

  • Carmen ,

    What a great idea! I’m in agreement with Rhonda though – mine would never come out as pristine as that 😀

  • Maria McGuire ,

    I CANNOT wait to see this in person!!!!! You are incredible and so is your shirt! BEAUTIFUL picture of you!

  • Linda K ,

    Love this Carolyn!!! and it’s so you :):) Wish I were going along…

  • Your shirt looks fabulous! I have only had time to try my new Gelli plate once, and I haven’t done anything with my prints yet, but I just loved the process, and the results of my first prints. Some of them, I just want to leave as they are, and not do anything with them! Enjoy your time in Nashville, it sounds like a great event (wish we had such things here)!

  • A very beautiful and unique shirt. I love the idea of ‘letting it grow’ and adding more layers from time to time … Wish you loads of fun in Nashville. Suzanne

  • I’ve been playing around with word masks! I just love my Gelli plate 🙂

    Mary Anne

  • Had such fun playing with my Gelli Plate yesterday! I’ve got a stack of prints now that are just yelling at me to come and play!
    Can’t wait to check out everyone’s blogs!!

  • Forgot to say I love the shirt! I just might have to see what I have hanging in the closet and give this a try!!

  • Alicia ,

    hi April, I’m so happy to join the party. Fabric is jumping up and down on my list of things to try with the gelli plate. Your project inspires. thanks!

  • sandra ,

    Love the art print on your shirt! Great idea on how to wear your art.
    I just linked my blog post on Gelli Arts on your April’s Colorful Print Party.
    I will be sure to link your blog post on my blog site.
    I love this new tool!!! Happy printing 🙂

  • I wish I had known that you would be in Nashville. I would have made a point of hunting you down. I live in Hendersonville, just outside Nashville..

    • Carolyn ,

      I wish we could have met! You live in a wonderful area- Nashville was fabulous! If Art Is You heads back to Nashville, I’ll be right back there in a heartbeat and we can meet in person then!

  • Susi ,

    Yay, this time it worked! I’m so excited that I can “show off” my HUGE gelli printed paper! This sheet measured 30″ x 22″, and I’ll tell you, it was a lot of work and a lot of fun getting both side covered. I used my new stencils and paint on it too, which made it even more fun. I have it cut now, and folded, but I’m having a bit of trouble doing the sewing because of my still full castes right arm! It’ll get done though, and I’ll be able to show it off!
    Carolyn, your shirt looks wonderful, it makes me wantvto make one! But first I have to make my tennies, lol!
    Thanks for sharing all off this fun stuff; you really are an inspiration to me!

  • And another. 🙂 I am STILL just loving my Gelli plate. I think your Valentine box video (? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it and I am old so memory fails me often :)) was perhaps the seed of this idea, printing onto something rather than making a print and then doing something with it. It does make me wonder, as the plate itself is fairly flexible, about the possibility of using it in your hands, maybe sort of curving it to print on say a convex surface? Might be worth playing with! I would think, so long as the backing acetate stayed in place, and that you were using probably the small plate, like I have, it would be do-able. Maybe you’ll have a play with the idea and share 🙂

    Mary Anne

  • So much inspiration…so much fun!

  • Morag ,

    Hi Caroline, I have added my most recent Gelli plate collage, I am so loving the freedom it gives me to so easily print my own papers for collaging! Thank you so much for your you tube videos which got me first interested in seeking out what the gelli plate could do for my work!

  • Carly ,

    I haven’t been able to put my gelli plate down lately. I just linked them all up!! Cool shirt!

  • I love your colourful work Carolyn! Thank you for the inspiration 🙂 I love playing with my Gelli plate – it is so easy and fun.
    I just linked up a new post – haven’t blogged in ages so this was a good kick to get going again!