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As I worked on this, I knew I wanted a word in it but what word?  I began to think of all the gifts I have in my life right now from a supportive family, a home, all the good health in our extended family, great art communities in Art Every Day Month and Paint Party Friday, so much to be grateful for in my life.  I realized I have an abundance of good – so there was my word.  When my husband saw it (he is truly supportive but has an odd sense of humor) he remarked on how that one word is 3 silly words – A Bun Dance.  Perhaps my next painting will be about little buns dancing…


I started by gluing down the paper flowers and text. Found out some of the colors on the flowers reacted to my glue.





The greens and yellows did not have the vibrancy I was looking for so I covered it with yellow Radiant Rain spray.






I wanted the flowers to be thick with layers of colors so I started with red.  Then some more white gesso over it so the next color could pop- but the yellow spray ink became a problem because it added a yellow tone to the gesso.






Now some metallic blue.








Pink and the word.






More white to make the next color pop.  Added white to the word also.






The green of the background need something so a bit of light turquoise.








Turquoise on the flowers.







Green ink dripped from the top.  Then sprayed with water to get it really runny. Added purple ink and realized that was a mistake – green and purple make mud.  Ooppsssss! Paper towel and water to the rescue!



More green ink and water.  I am really liking the build of color. This is what I wanted to do all along – glad I didn’t give up.  I also transferred little bits of text.  Whenever I rubbed too hard some of the paint layers pulled up too – really liked being able to reveal the layers beneath.



Since I was using book text it transferred the reverse but I just did a “sloppy” job and nobody could read it anyway – so it didn’t matter it was reversed.






A bit of dimensional paint to make the word pop out.

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  • Julie ,

    I love this! It’s so cheerful, it makes me happy. I really enjoyed seeing your process. And “A bun dance” that’s great!

  • Debbie ,

    This is really nice. I love the colors and texture you created. It’s really fun to see the process you used along the way. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Carol ,

    Very creative and colorful! Love it ~~ Thanks, namaste, Carol ~ (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  • A Bun Dance! That’s hilarious!!!! =D Awesome page–love the layers. They create such interest and movement.

  • Janet ,

    This is such a happy piece. Thanks for sharing the process. It’s always fun to see how other people create art. Love your husband’s sense of humor!

  • Cat @ sea.sky.stone. ,

    I love these shades of blue and green together–awesome! …which is also three words (a*we*some), just not quite as much fun.

  • Jen ,

    Lol…that’s funny! I love the bright, happy colors you chose and the way the flowers come off the page. 🙂

  • Loving your happy collage. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, x

  • Gwen ,

    It is a wonderfully textural piece and thanks for the demo.
    Your post is very amusing, or rather your husband is:)
    Have a good weekend.
    Gwen xx

  • Sophia ,

    LOVE your artwork and the bright, beautiful colours. 🙂 Happy PPF!

  • EVA ,

    A great word and a lovely painting! Great to see you whole process too.

    Like the way your husband thinks – lol!

  • I enjoy your step by step process so much. Your Abundance is so bright and cheerful.

  • Matt would so find a bun dance too… but buns are slang for butts over here so hilarity would ensue for sure!!! Great step by step and love the colours in the final product… these are my summer colours this year I have decided… and have quite a few family disputes that need settling here and will be referring them to your wise counsel… time to put those lawyer skills to use on an international scale I think xx

  • Kelly ,

    Lovely! The colors and textures are terrific. I enjoyed seeing the project develop….I can’t wait to see a bun dance :>

  • Teri C ,

    Looks like a lot of work with fabulous results.

  • Anne ,

    What a great idea! I love the way it turned out. xox

  • your sweet colors and flowers are making me yearn for summer! thanks for sharing your process, too!

  • Serena ,

    I loved seeing the process which led to a great finish! Nice work, Carolyn ~ 🙂

  • I just love seeing your process. Marvelous colors and texture. Terah

  • darling!

  • Thanks for showing your process! I’m always fascinated to see how a painting develops and progresses. ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #9 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  • Evelyn ,

    Love the process and texture. Love the three words…

  • Love it! A bun dance!!
    This turned out just lovely. I wanted to reach out and run my fingers over it. Thanks for taking the pictures and telling us about your process. I am new to collage and love to hear and see how people go about this mysterious process. 😉
    Have a super weekend! 🙂

  • Beautiful piece, full of sunshine! Valerie

  • It turned out great, thanks for showing the process. When you think on any word they all sound kind funny, though never looked at abundance this way before lol, thanks for sharing 🙂

  • This is a lovely happy piece, the way you are!

  • Gorgeous, gorgeous piece! And what a wonderful word…especially this time so close to Thanksgiving!

    Loved seeing the step-by-step process.
    And your husband is hillarious…I had never thought of abundance as a-bun-dance! 🙂

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  • AJ ,

    Carolyn, I love your husband’s sense of humour and your image is stunning, I really like the dimensional paint effect.
    Big love

  • I love how some of the letters got squished out of your Bun Dance. It really gives the feeling of having almost too much but wanting to make room for everything nevertheless.

  • Love watching step-by-step as a work comes to life. Wonderful! Happy PPF!