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What Do I See

Lately, I have been exploring how I perceive the world and how that impacts me.  Art has been a great tool for this.  One  of Julie Balzer’s stencils reminded me of eyes – perfect for where my mind seems to be going lately.

In the video I use Dick Blick gloss polymer to seal the pan pastels.  I love that I had such a slick surface to work on with the oil pastels because it let me “erase” easily.  I may use this to seal more often instead of using a spray fixative which has to be sprayed outside.

What Do I See art journaling with Carolyn Dube

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  • That’s some eyes there. It is interesting to ponder what we do see and what we miss because we get so wrapped up in minutia we fail to see what’s right in front of us. Nice reminder to really see! Thanks. xox

  • OMGosh, Carolyn! You are amazingly creative!! I never would have seen eyes in that stencil! The page is seriously cool!

  • Thanks so much for sharing your great technique!!

  • And, I should have said, that it’s a great piece as well. I love the message!

  • cool! did you pan pastels smudge at all when you brushed on the gloss stuff? I love using pan pastels but it’s not always convenient to go outside to spray them.

    • Carolyn ,

      It smudged a little, but if I had used a foam roller I don’t think it would have at all.

  • Very creative seeing eyes in that stencil! Thanks for the tip for using the gloss acrylic instead of spray fixative. As usual, great page.

  • I love it so much and love knowing can cover pan pastels with gloss polymer…. thanks

  • Deb ,

    What a fun page! And a great idea to seal with the polymer instead of spraying with fixative. Will give it a try ~ enjoy the weekend 🙂

  • I never thought of using a gloss over pastels. Cool!
    Nice page!! 🙂 🙂