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Watercoloring Over Paint

Watercolors can add a subtle background to an art journal page.   This is a very serendipitous way to add a layer to a background.  Here is my purple tag background after stamping with watercolors.  You can see it in a finished journal page here.

It started as this:

Step 1: Start with a prepped journal page.  I prep it with either gesso or acrylic paint.  The important part is for the watercolors to float on top in the next step.








Step 2:  Slather on watercolors.








Step 3: While the watercolor is still very wet, use an uninked rubber stamp to REMOVE some of the watercolor. Let it dry.







Here is what the blue looks like dry-






Some other examples:





















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  • Maria ,

    Okay….I have to try this! Love it and the finished page 🙂 So funny you would have this today because I just opened a huge box of #8 tags I ordered.

  • Very cool technique! Thanks for sharing it!! Your pages are beautiful!!!

  • I wouldn’t have thought of combining acrylics and watercolors. Nice! 🙂