What’s the play for today? It’s Art Houses! This is how I’d love to paint an actual neighborhood, but there are practical issues, so I’ll have to stick with mixed media ones for now! In this video you’ll see how I cheat on creating a random or serendipitous look, why I am grateful to [...]
stencilgirl What can you do with all those gel prints you’ve made? That’s a question I get asked a lot and in this video I’m sharing how I use them with stencils. This technique works with any prints you have, from ones you love to ones you don’t! Adding the stenciling can really shift how [...] Neat and tidy coloring inside the lines isn’t something you see very often at aColorfulJourney but when I do it here, I am not really staying carefully inside the lines. But it doesn’t really show up because of what I used to add the color to this gel print! This is the print I [...]