Perfect isn’t always ideal. Sometimes having crisp perfectly straight edges isn’t the goal like when I’m adding an image onto a gel print. That’s when I want those worn irregular aged looking edges and it’s a snap to do with the InkAid image transfer process. If you’re new to the InkAid image transfer process, [...]
inkaid image transfer Are image transfers on fabric washable? Why do you use tin foil? I’m sharing the answers to these questions and more in the video as I use the InkAid image transfer process on fabric. But just so you know, you can do an image transfer on many different surfaces from paper, to wood, to [...] Ever have a gel print that you really like but you know it needs more? That’s where I was with this print. That pink area was calling to me, so to get focal image there I used the InkAid image transfer process. Before starting, the paint on this print was completely and thoroughly dry. [...]