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inkaid image transfer

Metallic Image Transfers thumbnail

https://youtu.be/6p_nqnRaHsY How can you create a metallic look on an image transfer? By using mirrored cardstock as the base. The look it creates reminds me of foil wallpaper from years ago. If you’d like to play around with the collage image I used in the video, you can get it below. Want to see a [...]

Intentionally Imperfect Image Transfers with InkAid thumbnail

https://youtu.be/hd9PY5eNqlk Perfect isn’t always ideal. Sometimes having crisp perfectly straight edges isn’t the goal like when I’m adding an image onto a gel print. That’s when I want those worn irregular aged looking edges and it’s a snap to do with the InkAid image transfer process. If you’re new to the InkAid image transfer process, [...]

Image Transfer on Fabric thumbnail

https://youtu.be/T4S-yRMgFX0 Are image transfers on fabric washable? Why do you use tin foil? I’m sharing the answers to these questions and more in the video as I use the InkAid image transfer process on fabric. But just so you know, you can do an image transfer on many different surfaces from paper, to wood, to [...]