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Side-by-side test of Golden’s new and old Cobalt Teal Paint

The rumors are true! Golden did bring back Cobalt Teal paint and the first thing I wanted to know was, “Is this same as the old Cobalt Teal that I loved?” Since I happened to be hoarding a tube of the old stuff, I did a side-by-side test to see if they were the same in case you were wondering about it too.

Watch Comparing Golden’s new Cobalt Teal side by side to the old Cobalt Teal on YouTube.

What was the final assessment? Were the colors the same? When brushing them on paper, they looked the same. When looking at them in the tube or a dollop of it on the palette, they seemed to be a hair different.

This is not a scientific experiment, so keep that in mind.  I have no idea if the age of the tube of paint that I had been hoarding plays any role in the color difference to my eye.  The old tube is the dirty one on the right.

As I play around with the Cobalt Teals, I’ll keep you updated.  To be in the know, get signed up for my weekly newsletter and you’ll also get weekly creative encouragement.

Here are the supplies used. Some of these links are affiliate links which means I get a small percentage. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps keep the free tutorials coming!

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  • Denise ,

    Too funny hoarding your cobalt teal. I never had the original but I did have original quinacrinone gold. I have hoarded this. Time to get it out and use it! It was replaced by nickel azo gold which I also love.