Have you been curious about the Gelli Plate? Wonder how it works? Or perhaps, you are already addicted to making Gelli prints and want some tips to get luscious layers of color in only one pull?
No matter where you are on your Gelli Plate journey, this workshop is for you. Just starting with the Gelli Plate? With this workshop you will be able to add depth and complexity in one easy pull. Already know your way around the Gelli Plate? You’re getting all my secrets for making amazing prints in one pull so you don’t have to do the work to figure it all out. I’ve done that for you!
Take advantage of the hours and hours I’ve spent discovering what you can do with a Gelli Plate. I’ve done all that experimentation so you can dive right in and make these complex prints yourself with 1 Pull Wonders.
Every print you see here was done in just one pull. 1 pull. Fast, easy, and most importantly, fun!
Watch Introducing One Pull Wonders on YouTube.
You are right there with me as I break down the techniques into simple, easy to follow steps. Jump in anytime and start playing. You don’t have to feel rushed, just watch them when it’s convenient for you because they are all downloadable!
As I worked with the Gelli Plate I had 2 big problems to solve. #1 I have the patience of a squirrel when it comes to taking the time usually necessary to build up layers. #2 I like to use the entire rainbow at once but I don’t like mud.
Is it possible to get layers of color and pattern quickly in just one pull on the Gelli Plate without making mud? YES! And I’ll show you how in One Pull Wonders!
What students in One Pull Wonders are saying
“I must thank you for all this fun!! I had no idea of all the fun things I could do with the plate and now am not afraid to try!!!”- Jean Marmo
“These techniques are wonderful. Yesterday I was able to pull SO many colorful prints in one seating I couldn’t believe my eyes! I left them to dry and am headed downstairs to gather and enjoy them (like a kid in a candy store).” Donna Fleischmann
15 lessons, each loaded with a different technique, with a dash of silly. Each lesson is bite sized, most approx. 10 minutes in length, so you can get to the paint and play! Just some of the lessons are:
- Over, Under and On
- Good to the Last Drop
- A Little Dab’ll Do Ya
- Painting Miss Daisy
This workshop is now closed, but you can check out my latest workshops here.
What’s it like to take a workshop with me? Find out what students in my workshops are saying here.
Where will the class be? It’s all online in a whole new classroom I’ve built for this workshop to make it simple and comfortable for you.
What kind of computer or technology do I need? Find all the details here.
If I register now, are there videos for me get started with? Absolutely! The whole getting started section is full of videos if you’ve never Gelli Printed before and you have access to all lesson videos immediately!
When does the workshop start? It is all right there and waiting for you to come and play!
Can I download the videos? Yes! All the videos are downloadable!
What’s the price? $79 You can use a credit card or PayPal.
What supplies do I need? This list is what I used in the videos. If you have something you prefer to use or any kind of substitution – do it! I am big believer in use what you have. I have a supply video waiting for you in the classroom once you’re registered.
Gelli Plate (at Dick Blick) – any sizes. I find it very handy to have 2 Gelli Plates (the 6×6 is my go-to smaller one ) when doing some of the techniques. If you don’t have a 2nd Gelli Plate you can use a piece of plexiglass or a transparency (from the office store) to do the techniques that require a 2nd plate.
Acrylic paints – this is my favorite brand
Paper to print on (You can use any paper that you have, like, or want!) This is the super thin Deli Paper I use on the Gelli Plate.
Catalyst tools– my go to ones are the mini blade 01, blade shape 1 (15mm size) or blade shape 6 (15mm size), and blade shape 5 (15mm).
Fine Line Applicator (it lets you write fine lines and has this cool metal pin that keeps the tip from clogging)
High flow paint to put in the fine line applicator (I use black in the workshop)
Cosmetic sponge
Palette paper or freezer paper
1 piece of clear plastic or a piece of glass. This could be a page protector, a transparency, plexiglass, etc.
A Sharpie marker
Rubbing alcohol
Disposable gloves if you don’t want to get your hands covered in paint
Stencils I used in the videos (The techniques will work with any of your stencils!)
Already registered and looking for the classroom? You can find it here.
Wheeee, I’ve signed up.
Not sure whether I am on your mailing list or not! Looking forward to the 1Pull Wonders Class!
Will you put these lessons on a DVD? I find it’s easier for me to follow art lessons on my big screen than on my laptop!
Sorry, I’m not putting this on DVD at this time.
How exiting that you are giving away 3 spots for the One Pull Wonders Class.
Hi, You’re giving away 3 spots? I would like to be on that list but am not sure if this is what I do to be considered. If I wasn’t unemployed I’d be signing up in a heart beat…..this looks like sooooo much fun! Let me know if there is a different way of entering for a spot. I appreciate that.
thanks, Jan
The giveaway details are over at https://acolorfuljourney.com/?p=11185
Loved the bloopers. I also enjoyed watching the making of the Picasso head. Thanks for sharing that.
I would love to win, I have received a Gelli plate for my birthday , in July, but have not really known how to make the most of it. Your course would be invaluable as the examples you give look informative and inspiring and the Bloopers show you are appealing to everyone not those who take things verryyy seriously.
Good luck all !
Hi Carolyn, it’s sure nice to know that other people have the same problems that I have without being filmed! At least you have a chance to correct them! You are super! Thank-you!
I’d love to take your class!
Shared on Facebook, Mak Cx (that is my FB alias)
Love your videos. Hoping this will register me to win a spot in your online class. Thanks for sharing !
This looks so fantastic. I’ve taken time off work to care for my son through surgery. I would love to do this!!!!!
OK 1 Pull Wonders is now posted to my FB page and pinned on my Pinterest board. If I had a blog it would be there too! Thanks again, Carolyn.
I am not sure if my comment made it to the comments section. I wrote to try and win a seat for 1 Pull Wonders and my computer read that your blog had “timed out”. Never heard that one before. I would love to win a seat in your class Carolyn. You are so much fun to play with!!
Your prints are amazing. Would love to win a spot in your class 1Pull Wonder