Cheap plastic snowflakes in the dollar store for only a buck each? Of course I bought all they had! A giant size but they were a frosted clear plastic. They needed some color. Lot’s of bright color. This was my rainbow play for this week’s Let’s Play link up.
I could have painted them with a brush but there was a faster and easier way for impatient types like me. Spray paints! As a bonus, I used some big sheets of paper to protect the grass which became pieces of color happiness!
While I was out doing the snowflakes, the husband was hanging the wreaths on the windows. What did he do to entertain himself? He loved my eyes bugging out of my head as he leaned over the edges…of course, I grabbed the camera in between my looks of exasperation…
Then just some white thread and Command Adhesive hooks to hang them all around the room so now I have rainbow snow. Now you know what my play has been – I’d love to see what you’re making in this week’s Let’s Play link party!
Link up etiquette
- If you see something you like, leave a comment on their photo or blog post and show some love – let them know they inspired you!
- Share your recent play (any form of creativity is welcome) that hasn’t been linked up to a Let’s Play before
- Add a link back to to this post so that others can find it, be sparked, and join the fun!
- Opens each Tuesday at 6am EST
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Your colourful, giant snowflakes look fantastic, Carolyn! I can just about imagine you buying all the stock, LOL! Your hubby is defo a dare devil!
Love those plastic snowflakes-very clever to have spray painted them. And I really like the papers you made while spraying the snowflakes….can’t wait to see what you use those for.
Another fab idea for the colorful holiday. Hubs better be careful up there! xox
I call you the queen of color for a reason 🙂 Lovely rainbow snowflakes! They look handsome hanging from the ceiling. Have a nice weeeek 🙂
Great fun stars , Carolyn. Love the paper you created too.
The snowflakes are beautiful hanging up! Wow!
LOVE the snow flakes! They look so great hanging from the tree. Oh, and your husband and mine must be kin as they act very much alike! LOL! Thanks for hosting! 🙂
I LOVE your colorful stars hung from the ceiling! Great idea.
LOVE the protection paper, I think even more than the snowflakes!
I never would have thought to paint the snowflakes! I would have used them as is! I tried to find some for my classroom but no luck. Wrote it on the calendar for next year. Thank you again for giving us great ideas and yet another way to think outside the box!
I think I like the paper more then the actual snowflakes. I would also freak out if my husband was just stepping on the roof like that. Lovely sitting area by the way.