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Leaping into the Summer of Color


The latest Collage in Color is here and I am excited!  Why?  Because I have  a video in it!  This was my first time doing a video with step outs- where you have parts already finished and can quickly go from step to step.  It took more than one time through to get the video done the way I wanted so I had a stack of my papers when I was finished.

I was feeling very stuck with another project so I decided to just start playing around with these papers.  So freeing to ditch the expectations and just play.  That is what the Summer of Color hosted by Kristin is for me, a time to play. Watermelon Ice is the color prompt for this week.  Red and black here I come!

The video in the emag shows you how to get to my starting point (don’t want to ruin the surprise for those of you who have not watched it yet but I promise it is EASY).







As I did this I kept wondering how it will turn out.  Where am I going with this one?  How will I get there?  Argh!  Too many pointless questions.  I just grabbed a Sharpie and started drawing. Then I started writing the words that came into my head to counteract all those paralyzing questions.







Playing around with different reds using heavy bodied acrylic paint and Pitt pens.  At this point I realized I had taken that leap and committed to a path.  It felt good to have a direction to go in with this journal page.







These are very inexpensive letters with a velvet feel.  They were the size I wanted but they sure didn’t stand out against that background…







The little letters are ones I die cut, held down, and rubbed black paint around, then pulled the letters up.







Black gelato colored the letters very quickly and easily!

It still felt unfinished so I used a pencil to trace around the large letters.  Still doesn’t feel completely finished but in the spirit of the message it had for me, I am taking the leap and posting it…

Want to see what other creative people have been up to?  Stop by Inspire Me Monday, Creative Every Day, and Summer of Color!

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  • Marja ,

    Marvelous work Caroly and tnaks for the great tutorial.
    Very nice with the written words.
    Lovely greet

  • Congrats on getting into Collage In color!
    And I like your watermelon colored Leap Now!! 🙂

  • Lovely work! Looks like you had fun making it, too! I am just finishing my summer of colour piece for tomorrow! Valerie

  • I love the colors. Passionate pink and watermelon red. I wonder if I can try this collage technique on fabric? I’m going to try. xoxo Terah

  • Stunning use of Watermelon Ice colors. And a gorgeous page in your journal. BTW, congrats on a video in CPS e-mag. I bet you were terrific, too.

  • Suzanne ,

    Do you happen to know if they will release it for the PC? I’ve been very interested since getting the first one. :o)

  • Congratulations on your e-mag video accomplishment. That’s impressive!

  • your post reminds me of my own current project, inspired by Santorini… I don’t generally use a realistic place or picture, and I can’t say I really AM using one here, but I am slowing down and taking each bit one bit at a time. and I am photographing the process. I have to say it was energising this morning to come out and see where I’d left things, noting with some delight that I wasn’t seeing it all as a mess to scrap and start over…
    I like when I see others’ process, progress, and thoughts along the way. it makes this sharing all the richer.

  • I find it fascinating how art comes together. 🙂 You did a great job!

  • Ginny ,

    Congratulations, Carolyn. You must be so excited about being in the e-mag. This is something new to me so I will have to look into it.
    I love your bright colors and the message. There are several things I would like to leap into so today might be the very day to take that next step.

  • Carol ,

    Wonderfully creative and perfect for Summer Colors ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor) on Bogger

  • Great piece of work and perfect for this weeks challenge – I love your use of colours.

  • Hi Carolyn! Congrats on your work being included in the e-mag! I’ve seen ads for this in ClothPaperScissors and was curious about it…I will have to order now that I know one of the featured artists!:-)

    As always, I love your step-outs. I really learn a great deal from seeing the process, from one step to the next. I also appreciate your honesty, when you aren’t sure what’s going to happen next; we’re all in that spot every time we sit down to create something new!

  • WOW, I love how simple letters and inspirational words really made a great impact on your journal!. LOVE how you play with words!. Great doodling :). Hugs.

  • Kristin Van Valkenburgh ,


  • miriam ,

    thanks for visiting me and I can see you are a girl after my own heart! love your ideas!

  • This is great – love the artwork and it has a message to remember!

    Thank you for sharing the process (and congrats on having your video in CPS Collage in Color).

  • Congrats on your publication, that’s so awesome! Love your process photos, too, very cool piece!

  • Marji ,

    Great color to work with. I love seeing how you also put such wonderful work and words into the background.

  • Congratulations on taking part of that cool project!
    Thanks for all the show and tell here. 🙂

  • It’s great to watch the process. Congrats on your video!… Well done.

  • MissyK ,

    Great work….. I really like the message 🙂


  • BJ ,

    Great to see how the layers are built up. BJ

  • terrific use of the colors and a great page for your journal. Annette x

  • Ann ,

    I enjoyed seeing the process you took to get to the final product. Your work continues to inspire me. You are so creative!

  • I love the sentiment of this piece – we all need to just leap into the unknown sometimes in our art and in life in general! Lovely piece.

  • lovely take on the theme!

  • Anja ,

    Really awesome, love the colors, letters and background. Thanks for the progress photos.
    Hugs Anja

  • Gina ,

    Great message and wonderful colors! I like how you showed the process…..this is a whole new world for me.

  • Oh what an exciting LEAP for you getting into collage in color. Your videos are always so much fun to watch and energizing too! xox

  • Gwen ,

    Congratulations and what a lovely collage:)
    Like how you have put in some journaling and I like both pieces that you show here.


  • I really love the way you do your pages, you make it look so easy to add color and words to the page.

    Thank you for all the steps you share with us.

    Have a great day!

  • Congrats Carolyn and thanks for Inspiring Us at Create With Joy – I love your art and your videos! 🙂

  • Great page! 🙂 And, Congratulations! If I had an i-pad I would have ordered that emag for sure! :))

  • what a great idea and colors match very well the prompt! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Woo Hoo! Congratulations!
    Stay inspired!

  • Jan S ,

    Fab artwork and message! It was great to see the process… and Well Done on having your video in Collage in Color.