The early bird discounts ends Monday for Paint Pouring FUNdamentals so jump on in now to get $25 off and get ready to have some fun in lessons like the Slinky Effect, Cells of Alcatraz, and Salt Water Taffy. Of all the lessons in Paint Pouring FUNdamentals, which is my favorite? Hands down, it’s the Dating [...]
Paint Pouring FUNdamentals
Ever want a big statement piece of your art on your wall but a voice in your head says it’s too expensive or the pressure to decide what to make is overwhelming? That’s how I was feeling when I looked at the open space above my sofa until I found an easy answer. A [...]
Ready to feel the excitement and freedom of paint pouring but wonder how to actually do it? That’s where my Paint Pouring FUNdamentals workshop can help you. How much paint to use? What kind of paint? Ratios and amounts? Making cells? You’ll get all of these answers and a whole lot more in this online workshop. [...]