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Burying and Excavating A Face

This work in progress is brought to you by Paint Party Friday.Ā  I have been out of town and catching up on a million things which means arting had to wait.Ā  The thought of missing a Paint Party Friday just made me sad, so I got out the paint and started painting.Ā  Getting messy hands made me feel so so so very good!!!Ā  This is nowhere near finished, but I am enjoying where it is headed.


Decided to try finger paint a face.Ā  I’m not very strong at face painting yet, so this wasn’t going the way it looked in my head.Ā  I spent a wonderful weekend learning to draw faces, but that story is for another post…






Thought a bit of face color would help.Ā  Not one bit- it is getting worse here.Ā  That yellow edge is just wrong!






Got rid of the yellow and it isn’t much better.








I let go of my original plan and just start smearing paint around.Ā  I am covering over my original mess of a face.Ā  My goal was to hide it and start over but the bits peeking through were a nice surprise.






The canvas is covered but I decide to bring the face back.Ā  Much happier with the face this time.Ā  Gotta love tubes of paint that are almost empty so you can squeeze it and get splatters everywhere.






Now what?Ā  Where do I go from here?Ā  Turns out my muse stepped out for a Diet Coke or something.Ā  I have been looking and looking at this trying to figure out where she wants to go next….text, she needed words.




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  • wonder what it will be like finished! I think it will evolve and be even more fantastic!

  • and it looks totally wicked!!!

  • Debbie ,

    I like the shape of the face, and simple line of your original, but I also love seeing how the piece is evolving into something more mysterious, with more depth. Fun!

  • can’t wait to see how this progresses and where the finished product leads cause this is pretty awesome right now…. and can I say thank you for your kind kind words in our hour of trauma…. it has made all the difference and we are having a viewing in the dining room of the corpse this evening… so wish you were able to join us, but I appreciate your support…xx

  • Love this! It’s so exciting to see all the WIP on PPF.

  • Lesley ,

    I loved seeing the process on this picture. I wonder how it will progress!

  • Mari ,

    This way of creating my enviable for me, I have to plan very well what I do. Saludos

  • Ann ,

    Enjoyed seeing how this piece is evolving…and pictures of the different steps you took. As it is…it is amazing. Will look forward to seeing the finished piece.

  • Looks fab! Loved seeing the process. šŸ™‚

  • Anne ,

    So glad to see the process, looks it’s very interesting and fun!

  • This is marvelous! Hard to believe this incredible painting evolved out of something you didn’t like to begin with. Thanks for sharing the process, it really makes it that much more amazing.

  • this looks like you had a lot of fun! Happy PPF!

  • This looked like you had a lot of fun.
    I love the raised look of the words in top image too.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook

  • I love the way you’ve taken us through your stages. I think she looks great but some words might be nice, too šŸ™‚

    Happy PPF!

  • Interesting and ever evolving…love seeing the road taken by the artist…great work.

  • I mean the words are nice now! I looked at the finished painting again before I leave and noticed you already put them on! For some reason I didn’t see them the first look I took, crazy!

  • Love seeing the road taken by the artist’s mind….very interesting.

  • Tammie ,

    how fun, i love that you went with the flow and let it unfold!

  • faye ,

    Such penetrating eyes! I loved seeing how this all progressed.

  • very nice! happy PPF!

  • kat ,

    I think this is turning out great !
    I see a lady lost in a snowstorm

    Yes , it did just start snowing here in Cincinnati.
    LOL and it is getting cold!

    Happy painting
    Ill look forward to future friday posts on this mysterious lady


  • EVA ,

    Hauntingly beautiful!! Great to see the process…

  • Gorgeous colours, and the face turned out beautifully! Looking forward to see it develops! Happy PPF“!

  • Maria ,

    I know you are going to think I’m nuts (what else is new). I kept looking at this yesterday……really if you look into the eyes you can see EXACTLY what she looks like. Do you know what I mean? It is AMAZING!

  • Alicia ,

    finger painting – what fun! pretty amazing how much you can do with a difficult to use medium

  • Ginny ,

    Carolyn, your face is beautiful. She has a mysterious look to me. I also love the background. I can’t wait to hear more about your class last weekend.

  • I love this face. It is mesmerizing.

  • Carolyn this is great! I love seeing the progress from where it began to where it ended. Beautiful! And yes, i love the lettering…and the message. šŸ™‚ xoxo

  • Sophia ,

    This is really cool and I’m so looking forward as to how you complete this. šŸ™‚ Happy PPF

  • cat @ sea.sky.stone. ,

    Yea for messy hands! Yea for color!

  • Loved watching the journey of your face! Hugs, Valerie

  • cool!

  • Marit ,

    A perfect canvas!!! Can you believe I’m working on a similar page in one of my art journals right now? Not the same, but also a ‘face’ I didn’t like – smearing (and paint spraing) and leaving a glimpse of the face and, and… I hope mine will look as beautiful as yours in the end!

  • This is fabulous! The face certainly is a wonderful surprise. I can’t wait to see how you finish this because it is just incredible even as it is now.

  • this is one incredible journey you have in your arts. Creative to the max! I love the outcome so much! I have nothing else to add!:)

  • Fascinating process!!

  • I think this is totally cool just the way it is! It is a surprise for you!

  • Marcie ,

    This is wonderful and inspiring. Love it!

  • Love seeing the progression. Very cool!

  • I love the hidden face!! Your muse was right there. šŸ˜‰

  • djawa ,

    uuuwww., great., i want to try it., šŸ˜€

  • Boo ,

    Love it… maybe I should try finger painting because faces just freak me out.

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    A ghostly gal maybe!