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I Never Know Who Will Show Up in my Art Journal

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn DubeIt’s always fun to have visitors in the studio, especially if they are as silly and happy as this guy!  He’s Norbert and just popped out of the Spark of Art-spiration I used to start playing in my art journal.   Originally, I saw 3 people on a hill in the Spark, but you can tell I didn’t stick with that plan.

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark

Watch Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark on YouTube.

What is one way I start playing in an art journal?  A Spark of Art-spiration because it help me deal with the dreaded blank page. My newsletter readers know that I love these Sparks, since I share a new one in every newsletter. Get signed up with the button below and you’ll get this exact Spark in your inbox.

Yes, I want the free download!

This Spark was printed on my ink jet printer using cheap copy paper.  Nothing fancy at all!

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn Dube

A perk of using Sparks is that you can print as many as you need for your personal projects.  Instead of leaving all that white space on the page, it was easy to print out more and collage around.  It’s very freeing to use a supply that never ends!

Thanks to not wanting dear Norbert here to have 2 noses (and imagine the hayfever if he had 2 noses), I ended up with a very comical smile!  Would like to say I planned it but you know better.

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn Dube

A layer of white outlined Norbert and allowed the background to peek through.  I thought that was what I wanted…but nope.

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn Dube

All that almost white space was more than my rainbow brain could take.  The texture of the bits of the torn paper peeked out from under the bright purple.

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn Dube

His eyes were an O.O.P.S.-an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly.  The intention wasn’t for them to be quite as uneven as they are, but these eyes fit him better than what was expected.

Thanks neon nerdy Norbert for coming to play in my art journal today!

***Newsletter readers, this Spark was sent to you in the last newsletter or you can have it sent to your email here.***

Starting an Art Journal Page with a Spark video tutorial by Carolyn DubeHere are the supplies I used. Some of these links are affiliate links which means I get a small percentage. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps keep the free tutorials coming!

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  • Barbara McLachlan ,

    I love this fellow, he looks rather happy to be there.

  • Barbara McLachlan ,

    Now I have sucessfully down loaded todays spark, I hope to start playing in earnest.

  • Thank you for sharing so much! I learn something wonderful with every email I receive from you and every spark I play with! You’re the best, don’t ever stop! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Denise ,

    I love you!