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An Amazing Diana Trout Class

I bought Diana Trout’s book, Journal Spilling,  when it came out.  I really enjoyed it.  I began following her blog.  When I saw she was teaching at Art is You I jumped at the chance to take a class from her. If you ever get the chance to take a class with her TAKE IT.  I know I will!

I left my comfort zone but it was effortless – yes effortless.  You know the fear, the nerves, the self doubt when you are pushed out of that comfy comfort zone? The types of things my inner critic says usually fill my thoughts wasn’t there!

I don’t create patterns well.  I don’t mix colors other than UGLY mud.  I can’t draw.  I don’t know what colors to use to balance a picture.

I usually go through all that but this time there was none of it- just fun exploration.   Wow – it was so freeing- I just painted.  I don’t do all those things above but maybe it is because I keep standing in my way.  Thank you Diana for nudging me out of my way. These were about the process and each time I look at them on the wall I just smile.  Why?  Because I remember the fun I had with the wonderful people in the class, the a-ha moments, and the freedom these paintings gave me.

All of these paintings were made using only 3 colors – the same 3 colors.  I was blown away by all that could be created with just 3 colors.  My usual hesitation about color selection faded away because whatever I mixed worked since it was from the same 3 colors.


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  • Cynthia October 13, 2011, 1:21 am

    WOW. These are AMAZING!!!

  • Sloane Solanto October 15, 2011, 11:55 am

    Thanks for stopping at my site! As you can see I love color…and the color in you pages make me want to squeal with delight!!