Let the fun begin a bit early for this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party! I am making texture plates on leftover cardboard for my playtime on the Gelli Plate this month.
The magic texture maker is Tulip Dimensional Paint.
Those butterflies are so consistent thanks to a great Judikins stamp. As the color built up on the butterflies all I could think about was cutting them apart and using them in something. No problem that I love them since I can easily make more.
Here’s a close up of the ghost print on the envelope. I can mail it, I can use it in an art journal, I could make an envelope book out of it…so many possibilities!
You can watch October’s Colorful Gelli Print Party on YouTube here.
Thank you to everyone who linked up for September’s party and shared their ideas, projects, and fabulous prints! If you haven’t seen them yet- take a look at the September’s Colorful Gelli Print Party! Now on to this month’s party. It is open all month!
Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr photos, YouTube videos , any online media you’re using to share your work– it is all welcome! New posts or recent posts are welcome!
- Link to a specific blog post or flickr page or YouTube video or other source that way people can easily find your Gelli goodness.
- Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
- Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party. You know how comments encourage creative types!
- Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.
gorgeous Carolyn — I am off to watch the video!
Thank you Carolyn, you make me smile, every time I watch your videos. Loved the ‘precise’ pattern drawing. Think I too can be as accurate!
Love your ideas Carolyn! I just used hot glue to make stamps for mono-printing on the Gelli and it was kind of messy, the dimensional paint looks so much easier…..I’m giving it a try!
Here I am at the party! Thanks for inviting me and always being such a great hostess!
I love your videos, Carolyn! In high school, one of the best teachers was one who told the students that he knew some people learn best by reading, others by doing, and still other by seeing. I am in that last category, so videos are just so helpful to me in learning the “process” by which something gets done! My hat is off to you and your style of teaching!
Great video! Just this weekend I played around with some homemade textureplates, one I made out of stickyback foamshapes and then another one I made using embossed paper, and I must say the first print doesn’t whaw me that much, but the ghost prints I love. Thanks for holding yet another party this month, your such a good host.
I just love your videos!!! shared…https://www.facebook.com/pages/NydiArt/128552530511205
So cool! Love the final product–those envelopes are awesome!
Carolyn.. I’m gonna bribe your muse big time. This was fun. I have yet to make envelopes.. but I will get my gelli out and give it a whirl. Thanks for all the fun art.
wow… I recently discovered a stash of old ‘dimensional’ fabric paint and was wondering whether to toss it out! Thank you so much for this inspirational video! Bountiful blessings to you and your muse!
So appreciate all you give to us out here in blogland!!!! Love this idea!!!!!!
Outstanding! I get the biggest smile from watching you work with colour in any form, but watching you work it with a gelli plate is rather magical! LOVE the idea of the fabric paint for creating a texture stamp — brilliant you! Thanks again, Carolyn for sharing what you do best — being artistic and loving every moment!
I added a link to my post(couldn’t get an image for it)…it was a gelatin monoprinting art class at the senior citizens’ home where my mom lives. She organized it and I helped her with a demo and assisted the ladies and gentlemen when they needed it(ie, the whole time!!)… They did a great job and I think they had fun too.
The prints they made were fabulous! Sorry it wouldn’t link up!
I will keep trying!
I haven’t had my gelli plate out in over a month 🙁
This new job is really cutting into my artsy fun time!
How fun and simple is this, who would have thunk it! xox
I can’t wait to pick up some Tulip paint. And, you are so generous with your videos. I always enjoy watching! Thanks!
Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous ideas! I started following this blog, and also entered my first gelliplate inspired card!
Great video! I’m lovin’ my new Gelli plate!
Cool stuff, as always, Carolyn.