I’m Carolyn Dube and I’m an art adventurer but I didn’t start out as an art adventurer.
- I was ruled by my fears.
- I was stressed out.
- I was searching for something to help me come alive.
- I had a critical voice in my head that squashed my creativity.
But that is all in the past! Why? Because I began to play, to have fun, and to embrace all of my “mistakes”. All those “failures” and “mistakes” that I had so harshly criticized myself about actually became true gifts as soon as I started saying O.O.P.S.
What does O.O.P.S. stand for? It stands for Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. Those “failures” and “mistakes” that I had so harshly criticized myself about actually became true gifts as soon as I started saying O.O.P.S.
Try saying Oops in an angry tone. It makes it even more silly! I just can’t take myself seriously when I say Oops which is just what I needed to play. I began to play, to have fun, and to embrace all of my “mistakes”.
Not only am I an art adventurer, I am a play enabler. I rediscovered play and I am sharing ways that you can get back to the light, playful ways of creating that we all knew as kids.
In my weekly newsletter, I include downloadable Sparks of Art-spiration for you to use in your play. When you get signed up for the newsletter, I’ll even send you an exclusive downloadable video sharing one of the ways I use Sparks and a pdf for you print out. Get signed up here!
How do you start playing? My free mixed media workshop, Permission to Play, is all about how to get started letting yourself play. This workshop is for those new to mixed media and those who want to have more fun when they create.
You can also find me playing around on:
You can find my articles in magazines such as Somerset Studio and Cloth Paper Scissors, join me for in person and online workshops, designing stencils for StencilGirl Products, and sharing my journey right here on the blog!