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The Pier

My virtual vacation has brought me Exuma today.  Where is that? What is that?  Here’s how bahamas.com explains it:
“The Exumas are an archipelago of 365 cays and islands, beginning just 35 miles southeast of Nassau, an exotic collection of tiny jewels set in the most beautiful aquamarine and sapphire water you’ve ever imagined.”

They aren’t kidding about the blue. This photo has not been Photoshopped.  I expected the blue.  The airport I didn’t expect.  It was the smallest airport I have ever been in.  It may have been a double wide trailer.  Baggage claim was simply a guy handing you your luggage from the other side of the door.  The good news, since our tiny plane only held 19 passengers lines were not a problem.

Small airports must need small planes…The plane tested my resolve to get to Exuma since it was the smallest commercial plane I had ever been on.  No restroom.  No flight attendant.  No electronics allowed turned on the ENTIRE flight.  No jet engine- it was propellers.  I checked my purse for extra rubber bands to help the propellers turn…I’m a bit of a princess when I travel and this plane was not princess level.

While IN FLIGHT we watched the pilots get out the maps and start figuring out where we were going ( cue the Gilligan’s Island theme). There was no door or even a curtain separating us from them.  We saw it all.  The air conditioning was about as high tech as an old VW bug.  You just turned this little metal disc and it allowed air to flow through- so the higher we went, the cooler the air.  When we landed, hot hot air.  The best part of the plane was it was low to the ground it flew compared to one that cruises at 35,000 feet.  That meant we could really see all the little islands, and they have plenty.  I am a sucker for blue water – best in flight entrainment ever that made up for the primitive flying conditions!


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  • that reminds me on a flight in a little machine to island CHIOS Greece….
    it´s a complete other feeling than in big aeroplans!

    Great event Carolyn here on your Blog! FAB!

  • Marja ,

    Beautiful and wonderful place. marvelous
    Lovely greet

  • This place looks fabulous – we’ve been in some pretty small airports too – kinda different, isn’t it? This place belongs in my tropical beaches round up….we’ll have to add it to our ‘visit some day’ list!

  • Spectacular blues, never heard of Exuma before, will have to check it out now. xox