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My Heart Belongs to the Ocean

I admire artists who have  a vision of their art before they start and then bring it to life.  I, do things a bit differently.  I often have no idea where something will go or when.  This page I started so very long ago.

I had the blue, then added the scrap from a heart I cut out. Then it waited patiently in my journal until I was ready.

While on the beach this page called to me.  I painted in the waves.  Tried writing some words, but did not like the look, so I didn’t add more words.

To make the waves show more of my feelings I edged it with dark blue on the top and white on the bottom.

I didn’t like the word at the bottom so I gesso’d over it.

The birds on the bottom and a word at the top – now I am happy with the page.  Really wish I loved my handwriting…

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  • Love seeing the evolution of your pages, thanks for sharing! I don’t like my handwriting either, but what I usually do when I need words is type it in a font that I like and then try to mimic that on the page, it’s a little more effort/less spontaneous, but after a while of using the same fonts over and over again, I find it’s easier for me to do it from memory and I don’t hate putting words down quite as much 🙂