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Let’s Play with a Homemade Cardboard Calligraphy Nib


Making your own calligraphy nib out of cardboard for Star Wars inspired art journalingI didn’t have what I needed…so I used what I had around to create it!  I felt a little like McGyver when the idea popped into my head to make a flat calligraphy dip pen just so I could write Star Wars in my art journal for this week’s Let’s Play link party.

Let's Play, a link party where you can be inspired and be inspiring!I’m not a calligrapher but when it comes to play, the fact that I am not good at something doesn’t stop me one bit.  After seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens, I wanted that iconic title so badly on the page that I was even willing to write it myself!

In the video you’ll see how I make my flat nib and what thing from Star Wars led to a bit of gold glittering.  While glittering, I had a special bonus visitor too…my controlling left brain!

Watch Making your own calligraphy nib with cardboard on YouTube.

Supplies used: Sunburst stencil, India ink, black pen, gold glitter glue, acrylic paint, and a Canson art journal.

Let's Play link party

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  • If you see something you like, leave a comment on their photo or blog post and show some love – let them know they inspired you! 
  • Share your recent play (any form of creativity is welcome) that hasn’t been linked up to a Let’s Play before
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  • Opens each Tuesday at 6am EST

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Let's Play!
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  • Another fun Let’s Play. There’s always something in your studio to grab and use in a creative way. xox

  • Oh my gosh! You are so creative to combine Star Wars, stenciling, calligraphy with cardboard and glitter glue! You rock, Carolyn! 🙂

  • debi ,

    I love your ART. It is brave and fun. Thank you for helping me to find the courage to create boldly and with bravery. ?⭐️?

  • Susan Silver Dill ,

    I love how you just go with the flow! So encouraging to those of us who are often fearful of just doing things and making mistakes. Love your site!

  • Sharon Field ,

    Love your JUST DO IT attitude………….and in the end, it all looks great! Thanks for sharing.

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    Love this. Have yet to see the film, but I will x

  • Wow – very cool! Love your technique! Might have to try it!