I think I may need professional help. I’m hearing voices. The paper is starting to talk to me – perhaps I need to make sure I have adequate ventilation when I am using art supplies…This corrugated paper was a leftover from cutting a circle, and it begged me to put it in an art journal. So, I started looking through my art journals to find the proper background. This one spoke to me, “I’m perfect for this!”
A soft whisper came from a stack of family photos,”I belong on that page.” I had to agree.
That big circle of blue reminded me, right after I taped the photo on, “You might want to get the words on here before you attach the photo.” Good thing I have Un-Do to remove adhesive. Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s stencil spoke for itself, “If you believe you can you will.”
Now the voices became chaotic, like little kids at Christmas, “Use me.” ” No, use me.” “Me Me Me!” Who knew embellishments were so impatient and pushy. I only used a few of the ones that were clamoring for a turn. I’m still trying to decide if I need to use more, but that decision will be for another day.
Next post: Transformation
Previous post: Seth’s Stacks
Fun post! My art sometimes talks to me, too!
I LOVE how this all came together!