Ugly papers don’t have to stay ugly! One more layer can make a big difference! Below are some brayer clean up papers from gel printing and they do not make me happy the way they are. Using the stencils from the Overlapping Shapes collection I created for StencilGirl Products, I’m going to get some [...]
Overlapping Circles A lot can happen in one single pull when gel printing. Texture, pattern, and color can all happen simultaneously! I’m dipping my brayer in paint as I do this, and you’ll see why this is helpful in the video plus you’ll see which actor I credit for sparking the design idea of these stencils. [...] I’m so excited to be able to share the play that’s been happening with the Overlapping Shapes collection! It’s my latest release over at StencilGirl Products! These stencils can work by themselves and they can work in pairs. In the video, you saw how the Overlapping Circles Filled fit right over the Overlapping Circles. [...]