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Diamond Waves

Gel Printing on Fabric thumbnail

https://youtu.be/8PkmOndTA1E Can you gel print on fabric? Absolutely! This is a great way to create patterned fabric for any of your projects. Plus, the bonus is you have it in any color you want! The video above you’ll see the entire process and below you’ll see some other fabric prints used to make smaller gnomes. [...]

Quick Gel Printing Gift Wrap thumbnail

https://youtu.be/4U-rR6wszUM I ran out of Scotch tape while wrapping gifts. O.O.P.S.! It was an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly so instead of running out to the store, I did something else. I gel printed a big piece of paper and sewed the gift into a pouch. No tape needed! This was speedy gel printing all about [...]