The fun of building a playful neighborhood with stencils is there are no building codes to worry about! As I created this collection, I wondered what the HOA would say about these buildings. Bet you can guess why I called the collection There Goes the Neighborhood – now available at In the video [...]
gel plate tutorial Why did I use black paint for this gel print? Why did I use a gel plate? Is there a reason why I chose to use watercolor crayons? Yes, there was a logical reason why I made the choices I did and I’m sharing it all with you! When I’ve got a new stencil, [...] Trash can be so exciting when gel printing! Those mesh produce bags from the grocery store can do something very cool and customizable but they also surprised me by what they didn’t do! At my grocery store it’s fascinating how many different types of mesh bags are available, some have a very tight weave, [...]