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Messy Hands

Sunny Weather +  Paint= Messy Hands

On a beautiful spring day my daughter and I went out to the picnic table and started finger painting.  Time stood still as we painted together.  A joyous day. A magnificent day. The best day!  Hope you’ve found time to paint and create this week.  Have a moment?  Stop by Paint Party Friday and check out all sorts of painting goodness.

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  • Ooh that looks such fun! Hope you didn’t put your fingers in your mouth or it would give a whole new meaning to the term ‘bluetooth’!

  • THAT is one of the most beautiful photos EVER. =D

  • Kat ,

    So happy for you Carolyn, continue having a creative and colourful week-end!

  • You sound overjoyed at your time with your daughter and what’s better than paint covered hands. xox

  • Oh yeah! Love! they are my kind of hands! Kim

  • Maria ,

    Wouldn’t it be fun if we could do this together with both our daughters!!!

  • Such a fab way to spend the day. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend. Annette x

  • Carol ,

    Oooooooh ~ Finger painting with a child is sooooo much fun ~ glad you did so! thanks for sharing ~ namaste ^_^

  • AJ ,

    What a lovely post and a great photo 🙂

  • Ginny ,

    This is the perfect way to create magical paintings and wonderful memories. Both are very special!

  • Fun!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  • Mari ,

    What fun! play with colors and hands with children is fantastic. Saludos

  • cat @ sea.sky.stone. ,

    What fun! I would be tempted to leave rainbow handprints EVERYwhere 🙂

  • ooh those are messy hands, = lots of fun!

  • Deeply soulful..and beautiful..stunning ! Sounds like a magical time!

  • doesn’t get much better than that!!!!

  • Good for you. This looks like so much fun!

  • Evidence that fun was had. 😉

  • There is just no fun like getting messy with a kid, is there? Great photo. Did you manage to keep all the paint outside?

  • Sounds like fun! Love the messy hands.

  • Debbie ,

    Silly me to have decided my kids are too old for finger painting. I can see I was wrong!!

  • Great! I still love painting with my fingers! Valerie

  • Lynn ,

    Yay!!! I loooooove painty hands.

  • What an amazing memory you have set in stone. She’ll remember it forever!! So much joy in this post!! Happy ppf!

    Hugs giggles

  • lynn ,

    What absolute fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delightful.

  • Kristin Van Valkenburgh ,

    Oh, ok! THAT is so awesome! Looks like you made us all giddy with that one 😉
    Thank you for your sweet congratulations too – I’m off to watch your “JOY”. . . . xo

  • Faye ,

    Carolyn, what a great day of fun!

  • That looks like fun! Love the photo.