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https://youtu.be/cA1z7IpV9iE Why did I use black paint for this gel print? Why did I use a gel plate? Is there a reason why I chose to use watercolor crayons? Yes, there was a logical reason why I made the choices I did and I’m sharing it all with you! When I’ve got a new stencil, [...]

https://youtu.be/eMDPPb9t6qc Trash can be so exciting when gel printing! Those mesh produce bags from the grocery store can do something very cool and customizable but they also surprised me by what they didn’t do! At my grocery store it’s fascinating how many different types of mesh bags are available, some have a very tight weave, [...]

What is Powerwax and how to use it in an art journal thumbnail

https://youtu.be/iCz27duUlQQ What is Powerwax? It’s a cold wax that is water based from Powertex. That water based part is huge to me. The whole reason I haven’t even tried cold wax before this was simply because it required oil paints.  But Powerwax plays with acrylics! So I turned on the camera and  jumped in. During the [...]

A Controversial Art Journaling Decision thumbnail

https://youtu.be/2xk1SBP61X8 It evokes a strong reaction for some, the controversial thing I’m doing in this video. When I started art journaling, I was scared to cover up layers. OOPS, guess I just spoiled where I come down on this controversy now. Along with this “controversial” move, I’ll be using a gel plate for speedy stenciling [...]

https://youtu.be/rVspJhN4uZA There’s an easy way to add the color to these Sketchy Women so that it’s loose and free. As a bonus, it uses very little paint too! Along with the how in the video, I’m also sharing several ways I used the women in my play. Creating crisp stenciled images i Use a small [...]

7 Practical Reasons I Use Stencils on a Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/4jOlhoipFV4 There are 7 practical reasons why I gel print with stencils. These are in no particular order, except my #1 reason. It might be a bit controversial as a practical reason, but it is the most important thing I get from gel printing. 7. Speed! Using a gel plate is the fastest way have [...]

Trying Something Different thumbnail

https://youtu.be/Q16Z4yDuTdk Why or how do I use a gel plate to put brushstrokes on this art journal page? What do I do when I make a stenciling O.O.P.S.? And why did I start the page with dark for me colors? All that and more is in the video for you as I try something a [...]

Intentionally Imperfect Image Transfers with InkAid thumbnail

https://youtu.be/hd9PY5eNqlk Perfect isn’t always ideal. Sometimes having crisp perfectly straight edges isn’t the goal like when I’m adding an image onto a gel print. That’s when I want those worn irregular aged looking edges and it’s a snap to do with the InkAid image transfer process. If you’re new to the InkAid image transfer process, [...]

Pathways StencilClub Collection thumbnail

https://youtu.be/JyvkeJcS360 The Pathways collection for this month’s StencilClub set was inspired by various sidewalks, walkways, and promenades that hold a special meaning for me. Even though many feet walk over the same ground, our journeys are unique. We each have our own path. I’m honored to be the June 2023 StencilClub designer for StencilGirl Products. [...]

The Patience Fairy thumbnail

https://youtu.be/LWUOZwBag_c The Patience Fairy showed up in my play and along with her, plenty of redos and do overs. This all started with gel prints on tissue paper. Yes, tissue paper is thin, but it can handle gel printing! In the video, I share how to create these using my Twisted Gordian Knot stencil from [...]