When you’re creating, you have choices. The criteria you use to make those choices plays a big role in what you create. This could be a deeply philosophical topic, but it’s not here. What drove my choices in this art journal was how to avoid cleaning.
As much as I avoiding any unnecessary cleaning, there was one bit of it in this video where I cleaned off the stencil by simply blotting it off on the page. That kind of cleaning is fun!
***I’m using a water based spray paint so there isn’t much of an odor, but it is still spray paint, so be sure to do it in a well ventilated area or wear a mask.***
One perk of using tissue paper (or something similar like deli paper) is that bits of what’s underneath can peek through. That makes the words from my Random Thoughts stencil even more fun on this page!
The trick to making the tissue paper transparent is to generously use a very fluid (runny) glue.
Is this page finished? Not sure! I’m on the fence as to whether or not more will be added so I’m stepping away here to look at it later with fresh eyes. That is one of the many great things about art journaling, it’s not mayonnaise, it won’t spoil so there’s no time limit to finish it!
How I’ve used stencils on this art journal page is just one of the many many ways you can use them. If you’re looking to get more out of your stencils check out my online workshop, The Joy of Stenciling.
Here are the supplies used. Some of these links may be affiliate links which means I may get a small percentage and it doesn’t cost you anything extra! And you get a really good feeling knowing that you are helping keep the free tutorials coming!