Permission to Play Free Workshop

Call it freedom, call it being in the moment, call it letting go. Those are all ways to say the same thing but how do you do it when your mojo’s gone? When perfectionism makes creating so hard? When all you hear in your head is that it won’t be good enough?

No matter what’s getting in your way, it all comes down to one thing.

That one thing that stops the play? Pressure. No matter where the pressure is coming from, it has the same effect.

For me it was the pressure of perfectionism, the noise in my head that told me it wouldn’t be good enough, and a chorus of critical voices that got in the way of the play.

But the good news is that no matter where that pressure comes from, the way to remove it is the same.

If you’ve ever seen young kids playing, their play isn’t stopped by pressure. They are in the moment and fully connected to themselves. All effortlessly. So how can we get back to that playful and creative state as adults?

I spent my 30s fighting various pressures and struggled to get myself into a playful state. It was a bumpy ride, however I slowly noticed over the years the actions that made it easier for me to let go, to be free, to connect back with myself. And most of all, have more fun with my art supplies!

These actions became practical strategies that I could use in any creative situation with any art supply. The more I used these, the less pressure I felt and the easier it was to let go, to get into a playful headspace.

These action based strategies became the Play Principles and the foundation of my free workshop, Permission to Play.

Permission to Play is a 5 day online workshop where we turn an everyday cardboard box into an art journal but more importantly, we ditch the pressure and embrace the freedom of play!

Are there really practical ways to release the pressure, no matter where it’s coming from? That anyone can do? Yes!

That’s big talk, but really? Yes! Here’s what workshop participants have said about the Play Principles.

I’m making more art and having more fun doing it, than I ever have in my life! – Sharyl P.

 it was so liberating to play without any pressure. -Vera L.

I have learned quite a few new things and even though the course was geared for art journaling, it has so many applications for other art forms.  Thank you for that. -Trish D.

What I’m sharing in this free workshop applies to so much more than an art journal. These Play Principles apply to any creative endeavor, in any medium at any skill level.

How does it work?

Each day you’ll get access to a new downloadable video in the classroom. This workshop is totally free and starts the moment you join.

Once you’re a member of Permission to Play, you’ve got lifetime access so once you’ve got access to a video, you can watch or rewatch it on your schedule.

What supplies will you need for this workshop?

These are the general supplies and I encourage you to substitute at any time with what you have on hand or feel called to use.

  • Cardboard to create the pages. Nothing special about the cardboard. It can be from any box you’re willing to cut up.
  • To get layers on the pages, we’ll be using paints in any color or brand you have on hand, gesso (or substitute with white paint), gel medium or a tacky glue, collage pages (printables that are included for you in the workshop) and stencils. I’ll also be using non-traditional art supplies like the cotton swabs, cosmetic sponges, and the fanciest of paint spreading tools, a little scrap of cardboard. Anything goes!
  • To bind the pages together, we’ll be using a very common household item to create the holes (and no it’s not a hole punch) and a piece of elastic.

If you’re looking for practical ways to release the pressure so that it’s possible to let go, be more spontaneous, and feel the freedom of play then you’re in the right place.

Come and join the fun inside the free workshop, Permission to Play!

Who is this workshop for? Anyone who wants to feel less pressure and have more fun with their art supplies. No experience required. The Play Principles apply to any creative endeavor, in any medium at any skill level. Really! For those brand new to art journaling or mixed media, this workshop is step by step. For experienced art journalers, seeing the Play Principles in action can open up a whole world of possibilities and spark your mojo!

I’ve taken another version of Permission to Play. Is this different? Yes! This is the third edition of Permission to Play with all new videos and the binding has changed. When you sign up for this edition, it will be added to the page where you access the other workshops you’ve taken with me.

When does it start? Right now! The moment you get signed up you’ve got access to the day one video! Then exactly 24 hours later you’ll get access to a new video, for a total of five days. Actually, 6 because there’s a bonus day.

Where does it take place? It all happens online, inside my private classroom that only members have access to.

Do the videos have closed captions? YES!

Can I watch on a mobile device? Yes, you can watch it on your phone, on a tablet, or on a computer. The videos are hosted on Vimeo.

Are the videos downloadable? Yup! That means you can stream them or download them to best fit your needs.

What supplies do I need? Cardboard to create the pages. Nothing special about the cardboard. It can be from any box you’re willing to cut up. To get layers on the pages we’ll be using paints, gesso (or just use white paint), gel medium or tacky glue, printable pages (included in the workshop) and stencils if you have them. Yes, any paint in any color you have will be great! To bind the pages together, we’ll be using a piece of elastic. Naturally, you can substitute anything you have or want to use in place of anything I’m using.